4. New Friends

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Oh look its Gemma, beautiful as always ^^
Vote/comment please.

I love you all.

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ c'


Along with the massive headache from last nights events and the growl of my stomach from hunger Im dumbfounded when I see her sitting there. She smiles at me and without hesitation I run up to her to give her the biggest, tightest hug ever, nearly knocking her out of her chair. "Oh. My. Gosh" I squeal releasing her from my embrace. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I live here." she smiles.


"Wait. Then what am I doing here? What happened last night?" I say completely confused as to how I even got here or where here even is.

"Well," she says getting up out of her seat heading for the kitchen. "I saw you when you first walked in but I wasnt sure if it really was you. It been so long." she explains as as she grabs a glass from the cupboard placing it on the counter.

"I think almost three years." I explain.

Vivian was my bestfriend. We were what you call inseparable. We spent nearly every day together since we were seven til I moved away when I turned seventeen. My parents insisted they take my brother, three sisters and I here to Holmes Chapel for 'vacation'. Leaving Vivian for what I thought was only going to be a few months was the hardest thing to do. I missed her terribly everyday. My parents loved it here and as the months turned into years Vivian and I's daily phone calls began to fade. My oldest sister got a job and barely came around. My other was off to college and my rebellious step brother was kicked out. Leaving me and only my youngest sister with my parents. When I turned nineteen I moved out and got an apartment with a roomate. A roomate who just so happened to turn into my new bestfriend but really, no one can replace Vivian.

"Yup and two months. Anyways, you were drunk out of your mind. You blacked out and I brought you back here." she adds on. "Happy almost birthday by the way." She pours water in the glas and hands it to me.

"Thanks. The big twenty." I say taking a sip of the cold water. "What brings you out here?"

"My boyfriend got a job as a-" she explained but was cut off by the ringing of my phone.

I grabbed it off the table reading the number across the screen.



"Hey Jade!" Gemma cheers through the phone. "Are we still up for today?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You dont remember do you?" she chuckles. "Last night you told me your bithday was coming up so I told you Id take you out shopping. Do you still want to go? You were all for it when you were taking those shots." she laughs.

I laugh along. "Sure, what time?"

"Just get ready and text me when youre done."

"Okay" I say and end the call after we say our goodbyes.

"Who was that?" Vivian asks.

"Gemma. I actually have to go. We so need to hang out though. Ill call you." I say hugging her.

"Definately. Hopefully next time I see you, you wont be shagging a hot blond." she laughs.


"What? I didnt." I gasp.

"Oh but you did. Dont worry, with his looks you wont regret it." she jokes.

I leave her flat and haul myself a taxi. I direct the driver to my building and pay the man. I walk inside to see Tanya passed out with Tristan's arm draped over her. Quietly, I make my way around the room, grabbing my desired outfit and heading to the to the restroom to take a quick shower. When Im finished I throw on my maroon skinny jeans and white open-back flowy tank. I braid my hair to the side and quickly text Gemma my address and that Im ready. After writing a note to Tanya of where Im going to be, I grab my purse, a poptart and my white flats and head out.

I wait for Gemma outside my building while I nibble on my poptart. She pulls up in the nicest black range rover Ive ever seen.

"Nice ride." I say while jumping into the car.

"Thanks, its my brothers." she smiles.


"Lets grab something to eat." she says.

We've been walking around this mall forever and the weight of my bags are hauling me down.

"Yes, Id love to." I smile. Thank God. I really shouldve ate more than a poptart.

We put the bags in the car and head to a small pizza parlor. We order one medium pizza and take a seat in a small booth.

"I still cant get over that car." I say.

"I wish it was mine. Its my brothers. Im just borrowing it while hes gone. He comes back soon so I need to enjoy it while it lasts." she laughs.

"Where is he?"

"He went to see his girlfriend." she says as the pizza arrives. "He'll be at the next party. The one we're throwing for your birthday. Maybe you can meet him." she smiles.

"Party for my birthday? I never agreed to that. Thats too much to ask Gemma." I gush.

"No I want to. Please just let me? Tanya asked me to. Shes paying for everything"

"Fine but Tanya has to pay. She owes me so many favors this should cover them all." I laugh.

Tanya and Eleana didnt lie when they said Styles parties are the best. It was such a blast and now Gemma is throwing one for me. That only makes the light of excitement in my stomach glow brighter.

Im glad to have made this new friend.

Question: I need a cast. Jade and Vivian are already planned out but I need someone to play Tanya, Eleana and Tristan. Anyone wanna help me out with that?

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