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Jojen POV

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Jojen POV

I sat on my window sill looking out into the mountains that were miles away like I wish I was miles away from this place,in the mountains with a small wooden cabin with my own space no big dinners with the other kingdoms or meeting lords and Ladies.

Not having to be bossed around by my father, absolutely no rules to follow just me with my own rules and I can do what ever I want

this has been my idea for a few years now since I don't believe in soulmates anymore I thought I would've found mine by now but no there has been no girl for me it's really sad actually but you know that's life for you

I hear a sudden knock at my door I turn to see one of the maids standing there with her hand resting on her stomach

"Your father wishes to see you my lord"I stand up from my sitting position and walk towards the door

"Thank you"I say to her before walk down to my fathers room where his throne and the dining room table is

"Jojen take a seat my son"I sit down at the table in front of him

"I have arranged with lord Arther for you to marry his third daughter in a week"he declares

"What?! Father I've never even met this girl and I have to marry her in a week"I rant

"Yes my son they are on their way at this very moment they will be here in five days leaving two day for you to get to know her"

"I can't marry someone I've only know for less than a day Father!"

"I do not want to hear anymore of this Jojen,you are to marry her if you like it or not!,now get a grip and get ready for their arrival immediately"I storm out I slam my bedroom door flopping onto my bed

I can't marry a girl I just met that's ridiculous you have to get to know her more than a bloody day to even be comfortable around her and he expects me ME! to marry her after a day Un-Bloody-believable

now I can't even have my cabin by myself I have to stay here with a girl I have to marry against my will just to be a bloody Lord of a kingdom I couldn't care less about

"You're looking a bit annoyed you want your wife to calm you down?"I hear my sister Meera say I get up

"Go away Meera! Get out my room!"I push her out my room closing the door and locking it

"You can't Hide in there for ever Jojen"I hear Meera say on the other side of the wall

Its nightfall and I'm packing a bag ready to leave this place I just need to go to the kitchens for food,
i put on my cloak and bag I pick up the bag I'm going to put the food in and unlock the door to my room and look to see if anyone is coming which there isn't

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and find no one there I put in as much food in my bag as I can once the bag is full I put it over my shoulder and pull my hood up and run out the kitchens back door

I run till I make it to the woods out side the castle I look back at the castle one last time before running into the woods

I get about halfway into the woods till I run right into something and fall to the ground the thing lands on top of me knocking the air out of my lungs

"I'm so sorry"A girls voice came from the person on top of me

"It's okay"I look at the girl her y/h/c hair falling to the side of her face her beautiful Y/e/c eyes looking into my brown ones
She quickly gets up and picks up her bag

"Here let me help you"She holds out her hand I gladly take and she helps me up to my feet I tower over her just about a foot
"What's your name?"She asked looking up at me

"Um I'm Uh...Jojen"I stuttered

"Jojen Reed? The lords son?"She said with a serious look

"Y-yes just please don't tell anyone"
"I won't,Well it was nice meeting you Jojen"She said before walking past me
"Wait!"I said looking at her she turned and looked at me

"Where are you going?"I asked
"I don't know anywhere"she told me
"Do you Uh do you want to come with me?"I asked scratching the back of my hood covered neck

"Oh-okay sure"She said walking back to me

"I'm Y/n"she introduced as we walked further away from the castle and further into the woods

"What a nice name"I complimented
"Thanks"We walk on further and get to know each other I feel like I've known her for years

"um we should make a fire it's getting dark and cold"She said before dumping her bag onto the floor and pick up two rocks

"find some fire wood"she instructed me
"Okay"I pick up some logs and twigs and place them in front of her she hits the two rocks together and eventually a fire gets lit we sat on opposite side of the fire staring into it

"Queen of the world she sits to-night and her star eyes gleaming"Y/n began to sing I watch her as she closes her eyes and focuses on the words

"Look ten-der-ly down in the bright fire-light, to where her boy lies dream-ing"She sang I watch her in a slight daze how can someone be so beautiful and can sing like the goddess of the seven heavens

"What?"She said with a giggle looking right at me

"That was beautiful you sound like a angel"I told her she blushed and hid her face

"Thank you Jojen"

"Your welcome"I said with a smile

I can't remember what the lullaby is called but I thought it was nice


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