Chapter 42

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Its been a day since Xiao Zhan and other alphas went on a business trip. Wang Yibo is a bit restless since yesterday is his last conversation with Xiao Zhan. He dont know but the feeling months again came back.

"Wang Yibo is everything okay??" His mother asked and he look at her, shook his head "MOm Im worried about Zhan" He said and his mother smile. "Aiyoo YIbo baby. You know I felt the same too when your father had his first busness trip." She said and smile but Wang YIbo shook his head. "No mom this feeling is what I felt before" He said and his mother become serious.

Wang Yibo rubbed his face and went to the livng room when Zhan's mothers is there watching tv when a flash report appeared.

" A short news: Flight ****** was crushed yesterday 8:30 am, As the residents on the area stated that the had heard a loud crush on the forest area. The resident immediately went there to see what happened but a scene they witnessed was horrible. Dead and wounded people scattered on the area and the plane is totally broken. Police stated 20 dead person, 40 injured and 10 missing and still not Identified" The news caster said.

Yibo's heart beats fast and his hands already shaking he just pray that its not Zhan's plane because Zhan didn't told him his flight. "MOM" He said

HIs mother and Zhan's went to comfort him. "they are no there Wang YIbo" Zhan's mother said as his husband also there. She is sure that her husband and son is not there as she didn't feel worried at all.

Wang YIbo nodded and calmed down as Madam Ziyuan comforted him.

On the other hand a man sitting while sipping his wine gracefully. he smirked as he saw four man tied up and lying on the ground beated harshly.

"hahahaha How does it feel??" He asked them and they just wiggled. he lughed and stand up.

"stop moving its useless." he said and stepped their foot one by one but no one screamed. They just look at him horrified. Of course he already disabled their lower parts so that they wont have a chance to run.

"I already wait decades just to do this HAhahaha Its fun!!!!! Seeing all of you lying on the ground powerless!!!" He said.

"What does it feel??? How does it feel when you are just there staring at your opponent waiting him to kill you?" He asked and the man glare at him.

They want to fight but their lower body is already paralyzed

"since thi is your last existence I will make you death more easy and painless" He said and crouched.
"my mens already take over your clan.. But You in the middle lets not kill you" He said and signaled on of his mens to come a took the man out from the room. THe three become restless and started wiggling.

"Heyyy dont be so excited to die. The more you move the more the drug spread in your system." He said and sit down. "You know whats mine is mine no one can take away from me or else. You tried to kill him that day. luckily I was there but you father is cruel not letting you rest in peace instead he resurrect you to die in my hands again and again." He said and the man shook his head as he give his shots again and this time he slowly cant feel his upper body and he slowly having hard to breath. the two just cried seeing their brother gasping his breath.

They cant talk or scream because their mouth was sew with wire and their tounge was cutted and made as their own necklace.

the man laughed and give the two a shots also with tears in his eyes. "I finally avenge my father, uncle and my clan. This time will be your last history" He said and poured and gas on the room and dropped the lighter and walk away with a smile and look above imagined his father and mother lokking at his down with proud smile.

"You took so long son" a man said and he shooked his head. "I just enjoyed their last breath" He said and their frowned.
"And what about his why you didn't kill him." They asked.
"Nahhh he will die but not here he did many bad things let him die in public" He said and enter the car. The olders shook their head. "He's still cruel as before" they said. "Yeahh.Ghadddd I miss my wife" He mumbled "Me too" the other man said.

"Lets do the last work befor we celebrate" He said and the three laugh.

"Wen Rouhan what is your last wish??" Xiao Zhan said as he dragged the old man on the street.

"I- k-i-ll you " THe man said and Zhan just laugh.

"you will first"he said as he give the old man a shots.

"Listen old man no one will expect that you were killed as I give you youre own invention" he said and show the liquid.

He was shocked an start wiggling when he felt his body burning.
He cant help but to scream as his body already turning into an ash.

"its time to go home and cuddle my wifey" HE said nd drive to the meeting place first. He dont have a plan to take the car in their house. when he saw his father and inlaw he smiled and wave.

Before they leave the meeting place they first burn the cars the use together with their clothes.

"Its end" he said and the three hugged him.
"Its end" THey said and leave

When they reach home Wang YIbo run to hug Xiao Zhan and cry in his shoulder.
Zhan was shocked and look for the ladies who was fllowed YIbo. "He was very worried when he saw the new on the tv that their is a plane crash. he thought you are one of them" His mother said. Xiao Zhan hug his wifey so tight and kissed his foredhead. "Im sorry I made you worried. I promise I will never leave your side ever again... Wang YIbo marry me" He said and Wang YIbo just nod and hide his face on his chest.

Xiao Zhan chuckled and carried him like a baby and entered the house. while the three couple left outside.

"Fengmian exlain this to us" She said sternly and walk in.

"another problem to solve" He sai and the four laugh at him.

"DOnt overjoyed Qiren you too will explain everything" She said and also walked in.

Wang Qiren scratched his head and followed her.

"A-are you gaoin to scoled me too??" HAikuan asked to Cheng but the omega just glared and him and hug. "IM pregnant and its bad for me to be stressed. just take note this day.I will kill you after I give birth" He said and turned around.
"Why did I think that scolding better than that??" he asked himself and gulped.

WHile the couple who entered first already making out in their room while Yizhan is with Wen Qing who arrived first to take care of him.

"ahh Zhan mnghhh" Yibo moand as Zhan hoveredhim and devoured his sweet lips.

Hi hope you enjoy this chapter.

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