Chapter 4

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I represent,

Detention- S

Anastasia Pierce:

"Crap. Detention's now." I checked my watch at 5 pm. "Do you think he will dismember me and feed me to the secret monster under his desk like all normal Zebras." I widened my eyes halting mid way.

"I think he will tie you up and torture you until you say sorry. And considering you being..well you it's impossible." Blaise and Liz escorted me to the office as he commented. "Or tie her up and do something else to make her apologise." Liz winked at me making me groan in disgust.

"Ew Liz, never, plus he's already too strict so i think he's keeping his job by not shagging anyone." My robe flew behind me  as we strolled through the cold empty quiet corridor with dark windows. "I can take your place and see for you." She nudged me leaning on me making me stick to Blaise on the other side.

I chuckled shaking my head. "We'll pray that you come out alive, i promise." Blaise said after we noticed his office, the only lit- dimly lit- room in the entire corridor. I inhaled and exhaled with length convincing myself not punch him when i get inside.

I'm not gonna punch him, I'm not gonna punch him, I'm not gonna punch him, I'm not gonna punch him.

I breathed nervously with my fist inches away from the dark wood of the door. They both stood behind me. Glaring. "Aren't you gonna knock?" Liz whispered. "I will, just wait." I whispered back with wide eyes. I called him an asshole and told him to suck my dick NOT ONCE, but twice.

Was i sure i wanted to be with him alone without wearing an armour? No. Did i know how am i going to come out of this? Yes. Dead.

I knocked slowly, "you could go now," i gestured my hand for them to go. My murmur echoed through the hushed hallway. "Okay, good luck babe." Liz raised her thumbs up grinning with teeth before they both turned away.

"Are you sure you don't want any emergency bell with you?!" Blaise raised his voice before both of us hushed him aggressively. "Just go, it's already fucking  hell with Professor-" i heard the door open, "already not bad with our lovely amazing loving Professor, Rider." I beamed at them making Blaise gape his mouth with raised brows.

"Hi." I turned back to see him stand tall in front of me. And god, he was tall. I've never been that close to him before. I had to stretch my neck to view his clutched jaws and awfully straight soft yet white lips. "You're two minutes late." He looked back at my friends who i heard their heels rushing away. Great.

"Actually I'm not, i was standing right here, admiring... your choice of doors. What kind of wood is that? Rosewood or walnut?" I held my index up to the side of my lip. Glimpsing down to his shirt, i found it covered with a bit of dirt in slashes.

He stayed silent, his gaze scorching my internal organs. All of them. I gulped looking up at his calm brown deep eyes. He then stepped away from the door giving me enough room to walk sideways and enter.

The room had an executive office chair behind a black perfectly designed desk. A dark plant came out of a pot on the desk. The papers, books, pencils, pens, sketches and other teacher stuff were organised methodically. I tumbled and almost fell tripping on the cut loop grey carpet. I got up pulling my skirt down and smiling awkwardly. A window was kissing some grey curtains. A few bookcases following each other utterly crowding with books. A flush mount lighting with black tracings hung on the ceiling producing orange light. Two kind of small black arm chairs, with golden arms, stood blindingly in front of the desk.

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