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3rd persons pov:
Peter was extremely  tired. he had just woken up from another night of hardly any sleep because of patrolling for so long. he checked the time on his nearly broken watch. he got it years ago, but it still worked, even though it had been stamped on multiple times by May. talking about May, she should still be sleeping.Hungover from the inevitable night of drinking she had yesterday.

Peter dragged his aching bruised  body out of his bed, one of the only things in the small empty room, and grabbed some clothes of the ground. if he wanted clean clothes he would have to pay for them himself and being a mere 15 year old no body would hire him for a well paying job, he wasn't allowed a closet. to pricey. he pulled the clothes on and snuck out of his room, careful to not awaken May.

He had everything he needed for school on his back. money for food that flash would probably steal anyway , second hand school books, his incredibly  cracked laptop, his web slingers, and his ID for the Stark internship. he placed his bag by the door, ready for easy escape. multiple times in the past he had needed it. he rushed to the bathroom, quietly washing his face and brushing his teeth.

He was careful not to wake May. depending on her mood it could range from coffee being spilt on him, to a new bleeding wound she was always careful to not be visible so he could never say the horrendous stuff she does the him, he wouldn't if he could, he deserved all of this. he finished up in the bathroom and grabbed a breakfast bar. if he took to much of her food he would pay, he had learnt his lesson.

and with that, he left just waiting for the horrid school day to come....

As he got off the school bus his ankles hurting as he was wearing the slightly to small trainers though they were the best he could wear as he couldn't afford a new pair and asking may was like begging someone to kick u in shin  he signed at the thought, as he stepped out the loud yellow school bus as and ordinary school day he noticed his best (and only)friend Ned As he was walking upto him distracted by the pain in his ankle.

He bumbed into someone "sorry" he quickly apologised "are u begging to get bet up penis Parker"the person he bumped into said of course he couldn't have bumbed into anyone else but flash Thomson he thought to himself well he knew that he was going to get beat up "oui penis I'm asking u a question I guess if u aren't going to answer I'll teach u a lesson"flash said as he punched peter square in the nose leaving him with a bloody nose "oww"peter said under his breath "did that teach u a lesson don't ever bumb into be f@g"flash said as he stormed off his groupies not  far behind.

As flash disappeared into the school Ned came running upto peter "u okay dude that lookes like a sore one"ned said worried "Yeah it's fine I'll just jump into the toilet and got a tissue to stop the bleeding" "okay I'll go with u oh yeah did u finish the newepisode of big mouth yet"questioned ned(A/N- u should watch it's so funny:))"of course dude it's really good"peter said walking to the bathroom bed looked at him thinking oof a question to break the silence.

"Soooo how's spidermanning going?"bed whispered only loud enoght for peter to hear "great actually this old lady bought me a churro for getting her bag back yesterday!"Peter said happily as they entered the empty boys backroom as Peter got a tissue the bell for 1st period went "shoot"they both said in sync as they ran to chemistry which was the first period for the day.

(TIME SKIP to lunch cause who wants to read bout read?)

Finally lunch time he said as peter quickly walked to the line for lunch when he got there he quietly waited minding his own business until can you guess who goes upto him just to ruin his lunch?....that's right stupid 'fLaSh ThOmOsOn'

"oui penis give me your lunch money I forgot mine and u wouldn't want a black eye for your 'toataly' real internship with Mr Stark whould you"flash said with a evil laugh at the end "fine..."i said angrily but I knew he would give me a black eye if I didn't As I started to walk off defeted until I hear flash scream "say hi to your parents for me Parker"as he said that the full cafeteria went deadly silent u could hear a pin drop even the lunch lady's gave a side eye to the scene I mean it wasn't a secret that Peter parents passed away, when flash said that peter couldn't control himself he slapped flash in the face and ran out the cafeteria Ned following after him

"DUDE you okay ??"ned said " if someone tells a teacher I did that they'll call may and she'll-"peter cut himself off realizing he nearly told bed about may " angry"he finished himself off "DUDE it's fine may will hear u out and ignore him he's just trying to get a reaction outta u"ned said trying to calm down the situation

"Its fine dude"peter said surprisingly calmed down.

(Idk what else to do so time SKIP to the end of the day:))

Yeah I can finally relax and go to my internship thought it's the weekend and May's 'friends' come over it doesn't matter at least I'm going to Mr Stark's  I thought happily to myself I then saw happy as every Friday he was waiting in the oddly big car just down the road from the school.

"HI happy!"Peter said cheerfully,

To be continued please tell me if this is good :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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