Miley, the oldest of the house was babysitting her younger brother Corey, while their parents where out Miley had put on a movie for Corey to watch while she sat beside him on the couch scrolling aimlessly on her phone. A faint ding came from the kitchen, Miley of course went to go check it and it was the popcorn she had put in the microwave about 5 minutes ago. While Miley grabbed the popcorn she was still scrolling until she came upon a picture ...
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Obviously he didn't think anything of it considering she knew stuff like this was always just people trying to get views or likes .
After she finished grabbing the popcorn she went to sit back down with her brother Corey.
About 30 minutes later Miley's phone started glitching out but she thought nothing of it and just let it glitch through. About 5 minutes after the first glitch a bright red and white imagine with the same "repost or she will kill you at exactly 2:27 am" picture popped up on her phone so she just brushed it off and left her phone to charge while her and her brother grew more tired by the minute and eventually fell asleep together.