Chapter 12.

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**this chapter includes uses of cocaine casually and calmly, keep in mind this is the 70s and rockstars/celebrities did this often, I am NO WAY condoning this behaviour and I know the effects this drug has on people I've seen it first hand. If this is uncomfortable for you, skip towards the end. Thank you <33**


-Eagan, Minnesota. 1973-


"These tattoos are sick!"

Ryder shows off his fresh tattoo on his bicep as we all walk down the street towards wherever the after party is — we parked the cars in some parking lot about two hours ago when we all went to get tattoos.

We can't drive now because Niall being Niall brought a bottle of whiskey into the tattoo parlour and made us all drunk some as we got our tattoos done — he even gave the tattoo artists some as they tattooed us.

Harry got his tattoo on his thigh — it took him awhile to get out of those god damn leather flares — I got mine on my hip, Amy got hers on her hip also while TJ, Alfie and Niall got all of theirs on their ribcage.

"Is someone going to tell me where we're going yet?" I ask resting my head on Harry's shoulder as I hold his hand walking down the street — he insisted I hold onto him because of my long gown and high heels.

"We don't even know!" Amy shouts looking back at me, her emerald green gown on her body with her platinum blonde hair swooped to the side. TJ stands next to her in his own black leather suit with a groovy floral print bright pink shirt underneath. Ryder being Ryder of course decided to wear a bright orange suit with a long sleeve flared white shirt underneath.

He wanted to stand out in the audience and it worked, his orange suit and blonde hair really made him easy to spot when I looked up at the audience in the event.

"I told you sweets, you'll enjoy it!" Harry says again laughing beside me as he smokes a cigarette casually.

"You're very secretive mister Cherry Bomb" I say smiling stealing the cigarette from between his lips as he smiles, leaning back his head and blowing the smoke up into the dark sky above us.

"You can't say much Red, I never knew your name was MJ" he fires back with a quirk of his brow as I shake my head laughing around the cigarette filter.

"You learn something new every day sunflower" I say flicking the ash from the cigarette as he laughs planting a kiss to my forehead as we trail behind the others who are nearly skipping their way towards wherever we're going.

Harry is warm, he's very very warm, not just physically but his smile is warm, his voice is warm, his laugh is warm — he's warm and bright like the sun, like the bright yellow sun in the sky or like a sunflower, my sunflower.

I enjoy every moment I spend with him, the sad ones, the happy ones, the belly laughing ones, the cheek hurting smiley ones — I enjoy them all, he's just a beautiful person inside and out.

But he's hurt, he's very hurt and I don't know why, I never pushed him any further on what happened on that boat because I don't want to over step or seem too nosy. He'll tell me what's happening when he's ready, if he's ever ready.

He asked me to not leave him and I won't, I never leave people who need me around — even if they may hurt me one day.

"Here we are!" Niall sings out as we all stand outside amongst a long line of people behind barricades.

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