Chapter 11

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Clint kept her in the bed for three full days before he finally said she could walk around a little. Chuck was her constant companion, and they played cards for most of it. Clint came in every day to see how she was doing and would do physical examinations of her eyes and head and what not. The bruises were still splattered over her face like paint, and still hurt to touch, but at least the pounding headaches had decreased to small throbbing ones.

Newt dropped in a few times a day as well, which was nice because he was so busy now that he was the leader until Alby recovered. But he never came at night, and Manon lay in bed awake for most of the night.

But it's not because he's not there, she reminded herself. No, no, it's because of your insomnia. She had also started eating more, due to the fact that meal times were usually spent with Newt hovering over her, staring at her until she took big bites. Manon had been sitting up in bed on the fourth day, peering at a crap hand of cards when Clint came in with a smile.

"How'ya shank?" he asked as he sat beside her and peered into her eyes.

"Better," she assured and put her cards down, giving Chuck a glance before turning back to Clint so that he could look at her pupils.

"Well, they're still different sizes but definitely improving." he informed and leaned against the wall. "I think some air would be good."

Manon had the blanket kicked off before he had even finished.

"Woah, hold yer horses." he exclaimed and pushed her back before she could get to her feet. "You still have to take it easy, that means a small stroll around the Glade, and then right back here, got it?"

Manon scowled at him, but said, "Fine."

Chuck laid his cards on the bed and stood up, holding a hand out for Manon. She smiled at him and took it, letting him gently pull her to her feet.

"See ya Clint." he called as they walked to the door.

Manon could finally get up without the room spinning around her, thankfully, so her stride was even as she followed Chuck out of the room, giving Clint a mock salute as she went. He huffed a laugh and followed them out, but turned down the hall towards another door, where Alby was still recovering. He had stopped screaming just the other day, and Clint had said he had woken up. Now it was just a few days of bed rest and he'd be good to go.

"So, where do ya wanna walk?" Chuck asked and Manon shrugged.

"Just around the Glade."

So Chuck led her down the noisy steps and out the door. Manon had to blink a few times to get rid of the sharp pain behind her eyes at the light, but once it was gone she was fine. They set out across the Glade, merely wandering at a leisurely pace.

"What was the Maze like?" Chuck blurted suddenly , and seemed as startled as Manon that it had come out. Manon chuckled and Chuck shook his head. "Ya don't have to answer that."

"Nah it's fine, I'll tell you." she said and thought for a minute.

"Well it was really quiet, and dark, and very scary." she finally said.

Chuck looked at her with wide eyes and asked, "You were scared?"

"I..." Manon hesitated. "I have this place inside me, where I go anytime I'm in a scary or bad situation." she tried to explain. "It...helps keep the fear away."

Chuck nodded, and Manon added, "But that doesn't mean I wasn't scared. It keeps the fear from fogging my mind, but I was still scared."

Chuck frowned and asked, "What was the worst bit?"

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