Chapter 12

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"Phone check." Charlotte held out a hand for Becky's phone, or at least Becky thought she did. Since she already had her ring robe on, it was hard to tell with all the faux feathers on the cuff.

Sasha stopped adjusting her wig to glare at Charlotte. "Back off, Char. It's her decision, not yours." Just as Becky was about to thank her for the support, Sasha added, "It's her life and if she wants to complicate it again, that's up to her."

Bayley stopped swinging her feet and jumped down from her perch on the table. "What happened to positive vibes, you guys? Seth deserves a chance to apologize if Becky wants to give him one."

Charlotte rolled her eyes as she waggled her fingers impatiently. "Sure, fine, whatever. If she wants to. But not at WrestleMania. No guy is worth screwing up your WrestleMania moment," she insisted, "especially considering what Seth did." When Becky didn't hand over her phone, Charlotte sighed and sat back in her chair. "Why now? Honestly? You're with Cesaro. You like him, right? He treats you well? The sex is good?" There was a hint of bitterness in the last question, but Charlotte was also the one who had been the most upset to learn that Becky had started dating again but hadn't told the Four Horsewomen about it right away.

Becky didn't answer right away. The answer to the first two questions was unequivocally yes: whether it was as friends or now that they were dating, Cesaro had always been incredibly kind and considerate. The sex question, however, was one she couldn't answer, because they had been going slow—at her insistence. Cesaro never pushed or pressured, and while Becky was definitely curious, some part of her brain insisted it would be cheating. It made her think of movies where the main character encountered a version of themselves from an alternate timeline, only in her case, it was her past self that simply refused to let go. "He's amazing," she said simply, letting the other Four Horsewomen interpret that however they chose. "But Seth just feels like... unfinished business or something. I can't explain it."

"I can!" Charlotte threw her hands into the air in frustration. "Seth cheated on you! You owe him nothing! There you go! Explained!"

Sasha shot Charlotte a sharp look before hugging Becky. "Char, it's up to her. Leave her be." When she stepped back, Sasha gripped Becky's shoulders and gave her a huge smile. "Becks, this is your call. One hundred percent. I know Seth's my friend, but I'll support whatever you decide, okay? Love you!" She kissed Becky's cheek before heading off to film some promos for upcoming events.

Without Sasha as an additional buffer, Bayley looked distinctly uncomfortable. "You've got us," she said simply, though her gaze was conflicted; she was even closer to Seth than Sasha was. "No matter what. You have to do what feels right to you."

Rolling her eyes again, Charlotte muttered, "Sex feels pretty damn good, if you ask me. How long are you going to wait, Becks?" Even though they hadn't spent much time together as of late, Charlotte still knew her better than almost anyone—and she had clearly seen right through her attempt at evasion.

Shaking her head, Becky grabbed her ring jacket and took one last swig of water. Her match against Nia Jax was a stepping-stone bout: it had no major implications in itself, but her win was meant to help place her solidly into the title hunt. "As long as I have to. As long as I want to. It's a relationship, Charlotte, not a race. There's no prizes for getting there the fastest." She knew Charlotte meant well—all her friends did—but she was starting to second-guess all her decisions and she didn't need that, certainly not on WrestleMania night. "Gotta go. Good luck tonight, ladies."

Bayley's smile was edged with wistfulness, but her voice was upbeat enough. "Tequila later?"

"As long Nia doesn't break my face again," Becky quipped. "If she does, I might need something a bit stronger." She shrugged into her ring jacket and gave her friends a wink before heading towards Gorilla. The curtain was in sight when Cesaro approached, dressed for action as well; his match was immediately after hers. "Hey. Good luck with Sheamus tonight."

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