We Can't Start Here

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"Daddy, why are we at the Potters' residents?" The little girl asked as she got off of the large motorcycle holding her father's hand. It was me I was about 5, it's such a vivid dream, even though I know it's not a dream. "Run...please" I begged. I tried to grab her shoulder but I faze through. I stood there watching them as they walked up to the house. It was in shambles, I saw the body of Mr.Potter on the ground. The father covered his daughter's eyes as they walked past the body, they were now inside the house. 

As the father checked all the rooms his daughter wandered around until she stumbled upon a room a baby was crying and there was a woman on the ground.

"MARISOL...MARISOL" The father yelled as he searched. "Daddy I'm in here, look there's a baby here" the little girl named Marisol explained as she pointed at the waling baby. The man bolted to the baby picking him up and rocking him back and forth. At this time someone else had arrived. A rather large man with a rather large beard who I knew as hagrid. I watched from the window as he walked into the house. His weight made the falling house creak and crackle as he walked. He had finally gotten to the room where they were.

"Sirius...I'm so sorry, Mr. Potter was a good man"."Are you here for Harry, Hagrid". The giant nodded. "Dumbledore sent me, he as found a home for him with his aunt and uncle". Sirius nodded as he handed the baby named Harry over. "Hagrid...". "Yes," Hagrid asked turning around. "Take the motorcycle, me and Marisol will be fine". Hagrid nodded a thank you and turned around to leave. Sirius and Marisol stood by the window watching as Hagrid and Harry left, the motorcycle's roar fading away. 

"Come on Marisol we have to go". Sirius took her hand and led her outside. "No turn back, hide inside of the house," I said franticly as I rushed over to them. It was too late they were already outside but they weren't the only ones outside.

"Sirius Black, you are being arrested for the murders of Lily Even Potters and James Potter, If you resist we will have to use blunt force," The man said as he pulled out his wand from his back pocket. "I didn't murder these people that's my best friend in the how dare you" ." Sirius Black come peacefully or I will use force". Sirius was ready to fight wand in one hand and his daughter's hand in the other. "STUPIFY" Sirius shouted. Marisol ran and hid behind two bushes. Spells and potions were flying everywhere. Sirius had already taken down two men. Marisol covered her ears. It was too much. For some unknown reason, Marisol peaked her head out, seeing her father on the ground with the man pointing his wand at him

"I told you if you didn't come peacefully you would have to suffer the consequences, now look at you, good luck rotting in Azkaban". He was going to hurt him, he was going to hurt my father. No one hurts my dad.

"MARISOL N-". It was silent and dark. My back hurt, why did my back hurt. "PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME SHE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT PLEASE". I was slipping in and out of consciousness. "PLEASE THAT'S MY LITTLE GIRL". I was unconscious.

"Marisol Wake Up"...."Marisol Wake Up"


I sprung up. Everything was in ruins. People were screaming and spells were being cast. absolute ruins. "Sylvie what's going on," I asked as I held her by her arms. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHATS HAPPENING, OH I DON'T KNOW MAYBE THE FIG-"

Wait... why are we starting here. This isn't the beginning of the story. Let's rewind to the beginning, and by the beginning, I mean back to my fifth year at Hogwarts.

Authors Note: Hello I'm Loveless Loser and This is my first story I hope you liked this chapter because I will be updating with more I've placed a link to my Pinterest where I've made pinboards for each of my characters (I have five inserted characters but I haven't made the board for one of them yet) if the link doesn't work you can copy and paste the following link into your web browser: 


(The boards for the characters are titled, Marisol Black's Closet, Sylvie Lupin's Closet, Ace Prowess, and Fay Weasley's Closet)

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