The hospital

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I fell fast. I was fading but before I hit the ground I felt Neagi catch me fast!
I could'nt believe it! Junko is such a brat! I guess Naegi and his luckiness rubbed off to me!Now he's my love! and my hero can my life be any better! And he is pretty much my boyfriend too! I bet Junko is just jealous!

So jealous, when I stopped her she hit me with her bat! she makes me so mad sometimes but as long as me and Neagi are together she can't hurt us!

Turns out,I'm at the hospital. But Naegi came to visit all the time so it was'nt too bad. He even got me flowers!

Credits to Weebchu100 for helping me out on ideas for this chapter! he will probs help out with some others too in the near future.

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