Chapter 1: The Process

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Sam POV:
"Alright, let's do this. Yes, we're both prepared. Both physically and mentally, Pamela. *Sigh* You've explained time travel at least five times in the past hour, you mother hen," I said, fed up. "OW!! I WON'T CALL YOU THAT! YOU DON'T NEED TO HIT ME, YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I yelled out. "Sometimes I wonder how you are a goddess." I mumbled after Pamela, the stupid goddess of timelines and dimensions, whacked me over the head for calling her a mother hen. But enough of that, my name is Sam Wilson, what me, Pamela, and my friend who is silently laughing and mocking me, whose name is James Collin, were talking about time travel. Pamela was going over the rules and the conditions of how time travel works for the fiftieth time today. "Ok, Pamela, I think we both get it. We're not little kids, but grown adults who have been prepared for this for a while." James said, trying to calm Pamela's nerves so we can hurry the process up. Pamela pouted, mumbling a "fine" out and summoned a portal. "One more thing", she started, in which caused me to groan. "Chill, Sam. I just want to hear you recite the rules and conditions to me" was her response. "Fine," I sigh. "The conditions are that we go to our past body of whichever time period we want, so long as we were alive at the time, we have our current abilities and knowledge, and we must have a special ability that cannot be passed down, given away, or taken, but it can be a special ability of our choice. The rules are that we cannot tell anyone about us being time travelers unless they are pure of heart. We can tell because we are blessed with the ability to speak a language only the pure of heart will be able to understand along with them being able to speak it too. This enables secrecy of the knowledge of time travel and Greek Mythology being real." I respond monotonously. I then make a snarky remark of  "there, is that good enough?" "Yes" Pamela replied, "You can go through the portal after you think about the time you want to go to and the special ability of your choice." She finished. I focused on going to the time I was 4 years old and the ability I wanted was to be able to switch between my future body and my past body with ease. With that in mind, I walk through the portal with ease. I open my eyes to see myself in my 4-year old body. 'It worked' I thought. I looked at the time, '2:00 in the morning, huh' I thought.I was feeling exhausted from my body not being used to being up this late at night. With that in mind, I'm going to have to build up my tolerance to little to no sleep if I want to get stuff done with secrecy. After all, I'm going to be needing to head to Olympus soon, so I'll need to plan for that. I felt myself slipping closer and closer to the dreamworld, so I climbed in my childhood bed and let sleep claim me. I had the memories of my grandfather swimming around in my head before everything faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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