I'm so nervous to be going into 11th grade. So many people and so many new faces. I just hope Missy doesn't notice me.
•Flashback 7th grade•
My first boyfriend ever! Agh he is so sweet and so nice and my dream. That was when my heart sank. Nick was cheating on me! I can't believe that just happened, 8 months down the drain. What do I do.
•Flashback over•
I can't believe I was so stupid. I don't need a boy in my life. I have to maintain a 90 average while being in a band. Which is hard because we are always traveling. So i really had no time for boys. But if so I have this guy Paul in mind. He is a drummer and a football player. Every girls dream, but the bad thing is, he never has had a girlfriend before. So I don't think we would last.
Paul text me today and told me he was in love with me, but he is so popular and talented and I'm here, an artist. With a microphone, paint brush and canvas. And also a broken heart.
My mom and dad have been divorced since I was 3 so its been rough. But my step dad is extremely supportive and I love him. Now the rest of my family... Either are smoking, drinking or doing drugs. Me on the other hand, I self-harm. But it's normal, depression, bulling, stress, my family.
My cousin Cory
is very close to me. He does heroin. I don't know where he gets the drugs, or who sells them but I want him to stop. I hang out with him all the time. I make music with him, talk to him. He is just such a nice person.But maybe we should get to know me. I've been self harming for a long time now. I find it ok to self harm, other people think I'm crazy. My life pretty much is ruined. So many people hate me... But Paul, he is such a good guy. Everyone is saying I shouldn't go out with him but I want too. We would be so cute together, hang out a lot, kiss here and there. Oh sweet romance! I don't know what to do though, he doesn't know how to treat a girl because he never had one.
As the bell rang and I get up, Paul comes over.
"Hey, Sarah" he said in his hot raspy voice.
"I was wondering, you, me, date?"
"I'l- I'll text you later" I said in a rush
I felt like something bad was going on. I went home... and there it was.

Drug addict
Подростковая литератураHey, my name is Ava and this is my first story... sorry if there is any spelling errors or grammar mistakes. But anyway this story is about my life dealing with drug addicts and drinkers. Only a few family members of mine did drugs. Then smokers tou...