chapter 20

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Desire {dessy} pov


Everyone was at my momma house for the day

"Y'all guess what" Ya'nija said

"What" we all said on unison

"So y'all know that boy I've been talking to" she asked

"Nope" the boys said

"Yea" I said

"Well he just texted me and told me I was his only flower in his garden" she said smiling

"He told you, you was his only flower in his garden?" Nazir asked

"Yes" Ya'nija said

" and yo dumbass believe it" kartier said laughing

"And did" she said

"Have you ever seen a focking garden with one flower" xzavione asked

"Uhh no... I don't think so" Ya'nija said shrugging

"Babes.... For you to be my sister you a lil slow" I said

I just want some of Keyanta diqué inside of me

"Your disgusting" Nazir said mugging

"I said that out loud" I questioned

"Nah Ian hear nun" Keyanta said

Oh good. What if I was 16 and my bf was 93.

"Girl what" Nazir asked laughing

"Whatchu talm bout Naz" Dre said raising his eyebrow


"wait I CAN HEAR YOU" Nazir said back in my head

We looked at each other

"What if this is a way we can tell we bout to die assum" I asked

"Girl wtf you talking bout" kartier asked

Don't tell nobody yet

"Ok" Nazir said

"My crew let's go" I said

Keyanta, dior, and Kai stood up getting their stuff together

"Mommy can we stop by the store to get some snacks pretty please" dior asked as we got into the car

"Yea" I said

Keyanta drove to the local corner store. We all got out and went separate ways

"Hey dessy Des" Arnold, the owner of the store said

"Hey Arnold" I said waving

Arnold was a black man in his late 50's. My grandfather and him has always been close but their friendship when down the drain once my grandfather died 8 years ago. I kinda looked up to Arnold  as a 2nd  grandfather

"Where the kids at" he questioned

"They right there" I said pointing to dior and Kai getting ice cream

They came over along with Keyanta

"Hey mr Arnold" dior said smiling

"Yooo long time no see" Kai said dapping Arnold up

"Kai and dee come back here" Arnold said as he pulled them behind the counter

They walked out with $100 dollars each. Everytime we seen him he gave them money

We picked up a couple more snacks before heading home

2 hours later

"If you wanna fight me let's go" I said squaring up with Keyanta

"Bet" he said punching me lightly

We fought for a good minute and on the last hit I ended up hitting him to hard.

"I'm sorry" I said feeling bad

"It's alright" Keyanta said holding his lip

"No it's not, I hit you to hard" I said tearing up looking at his bloody lip

"Mookie it's alright" he said laughing pulling me into a hug

"You sure" I said

"Yes I'm sure" keyanta said

"You want me to wipe it" I asked

"Yea.." he said

"Come on" I said walking to the bathroom.
He sat on the sink but since he was tall I couldn't reach his lip

I huffed "toot you gotta sit on the toilet, I can't reach you" I said

"Lil short ass" he said laughing

"Bye I'm not wiping yo lip bitch" I said about the walk out the bathroom

"Getcho ass back here and wipe it. You did it to me" he said pulling me back by my arm

I took a rag and wet it with warm water and wiped his lip off

"There you go" I said

"Can I get a kiss" he asked

"For why" I said laughing

"To make my lip feel better" he said smiling

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I gave him a peck on his lips

"Tf was that" he said grabbing my neck tonguing me down

It was a wet sloppy kiss. I wiped my lips after words

"Don't wipe my fucking kiss off" he said giving me another kiss

"Where my kids at" Keyanta asked

"Sleep in they room" I said closing the bedroom door

He rolled up a bLuNt and lit it then put it to his mouth

"Ouuu lemme try" I said

"You sure" he said smirking

"Yes" I said

"Hmm put this to yo lips then inhale it then blow it out" Keyanta said handing me the blunt

I put it to my lips inhaling it. I guess I had it in my mouth to long assum cuz I started chocking

I handed him the blunt back while he laughed

"It's not funny" I said frowning

"Open yo mouth" he said

I opened my mouth while he took a pull from the BlUnT

He blew the smoke into my mouth then backed up. I blew the smoke out

"I did it!" I said

"Yea.... Ight" Keyanta said


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