Part one

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"Bye Mom, bye Dad!", Said Elijah.
Exhausted, he managed to drag him self over to the couch and throw himself onto it. After two hours of watching television, suddenly all the electricity went out.
"Huh?", Said Eli confused.
Eli let out a sigh and stumbled to his feet. Carefully, he made his way to the basement door. The door was cold and rough. He tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked. Eli reached up for where the key normally is left. Nothing? All he felt was the hook it was normally hung on.
All of a sudden, the sound of keys clanging together came from inside the basement. With deep breaths, he slowly backed away from the door. Then, there was a click and somehow the key was in the door and it was unlocked?! Eli's eyes widened and slowly, the doorknob started to turn.

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