I've Fallen

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Y/N Walter 💔

I was happy.

I was intelligent, popular, talented; I was happy. I was always enthusiastic, always joyful, always excited for the opportunities brought forth by a new day. I was indeed happy, until the untimely death of my parents.

My father, Leonard Walter, died of a stroke, and my mother, Rose Walter, passed of shock soon after.

Now, here I stand, a mere girl of fourteen, orphaned, and lonely in a house that once held three members of a cheerful family.

I'd awake every morning, eyes puffy and awfully red, with not a spark of energy to get out of bed. Yet, I'd force myself to get moving, put on the same clothes I did yesterday, and head outside.

I'd lost my appetite ever since my parents passed away. It was God's timing, I know, but, in truth, I was far from ready. Seeing as my parents were both in good health, their deaths felt like knives blocking my airways. They were too young, too lively to die.

Outside, I'd sit before my parents' graves, wishing neither was inside, then I'd cry.

It's become a routine, really, with the same things happening over and over and over.

I didn't speak to a single soul; I didn't see any of my friends, not even Anne and Diana. The two had become my best friends, but every time they knocked on my door, I'd drive them away.

No one could enter the house, and no one could see me. It took only a knock to yell, "Go away!"

Though they'd try and try to check on me, I'd manage to make them leave.

Today went different, however.

As I sat up in bed, wiping away my tears, I heard a knock on the door.

Expectedly, I yelled, "Go away!"

Whoever was outside didn't leave.

The knocker knocked once more.

"Please, leave!" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm not leaving until this door is open," a masculine voice called back. I was bugged. Why didn't anyone try to understand how difficult it is to have company in such a time? I didn't want to see anyone at all, yet people insist on trying to make my life a living nightmare.

"Go away before you catch your death," I retorted, massaging my temples. Winters in Canada were dangerously cold, and I couldn't bear if someone froze to death due to a failed attempt to enter my house.

"I've said so before," he began once more. "I'm not leaving until this door is open."

I stood up from my bed, feeling a strange dizziness take over. The world was spinning in my eyes, and I could feel the tears of frustration roll onto my cheeks.

I made my way to the door, clutching onto anything by my side. I was getting dizzier, so I closed my eyes for a moment, before forcing them open and pulling the door knob.

Of all people, he was the last I expected to see.

I tried to maintain my balance, but, even through all the determination, my legs gave up on me, and I felt myself fall into someone's arms.


"Hey! Y/n!"

I felt myself being gently shaken. My mind was fazed.

My eyes fluttered open to see a worried boy, attempting to shake me awake.

"Gilbert?" I spoke, but my voice was softer than expected. Relief was written all over his face as he helped me sit up.

I found myself on my bed, dizzy and tired.

"Are you alright?" he asked, furrowing his brows. I nodded, flashing him a small smile.

I sighed. "What happened?"

"You fainted."

I nodded my head, turning away from Gilbert and staring at the wall ahead.

Making up my mind, I said, "Thank you for passing by, but I must kindly ask you to leave."

His eyes widen. "I respect your request, but I will not be leaving you in such a state."

"It's not that big of a deal! I just fainted, is all."

"Have you had anything to eat?"

I glanced at the ground.

"Y/n, answer me. Have you had anything to eat."

"Not today," I muttered under my breath, fidgeting with my fingers.

He sighs. "Well, have you eaten anything yesterday? Anything at all."

"I had an apple," I murmured hopefully. All he does is sigh again.

"Y/n, I don't want you starving to death. I understand that this must be hard on you, but I'm certain you don't want to die, too."

I let out a shaky breath. My eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to fall any moment.

I lifted my head, attempting to hold them back. "Sometimes, I do."

Glancing at Gilbert, I could see the worry on his face. His brows were furrowed and his mouth was slightly open. "What?"

"I said, sometimes, I do, Gilbert! Sometimes, I do want to die, because I'd be able to escape this treacherous world!"

At that very moment, it became impossible to hold back my tears, and so they flowed, brushing my cheeks as I buried my face into my hands."

"Yes," I heard Gilbert start. "I know this world can be cruel, but that doesn't take from the truth that you have a purpose in life. There's so much more to see; much more to do. You can't give up on your future, Y/n." I felt his hand grip both of mine and gently pull them away from my reddened face. He placed my hand between his. "I know you have a bright one."

Giving into my emotions, I pulled Gilbert into a tight hug, feeling the longing of someone's embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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