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Claire POV

This morning I felt great! I just noticed this yesterday during soccer, but I think I might like Quil not like really like. It's just a crush anyways and besides he's like 2 years older than me I'm 14 and he's 16. Sam knocks on my door interrupting my thoughts. He opens the door and tells me that I need to get ready. "okay" I reply then he's gone. I wonder where we're going? I get up out of bed and get ready, brush my teeth and go downstairs. "good morning" I tell Sam and Aunt Emily. "Good morning" they both reply. I grab a muffin and ask Sam where we're going. He says we're going to see the pack. "oh okay" I say secretly happy. I wonder why Uncle Sam calls them a pack? I guess there all really good friends. We walk to Paul's house, it's not very far from our house. When we get there I see Paul, Jared, Jacob, Embry and Quil. But I don't see Seth or Leah Clearwater. I wonder what we're doing here. Them Quil walks over to me he asks "Hey, what are you doing tonight". Omg did Quil just ask me on a date?!? "Um no, why?" I respond cool "Oh uh all of the guys and me are going to the fair tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with us". Not a date but I'll take it! "I'd love to." I smile. He smiles in relief "Okay pick you up at 6" then Sam comes out and says its time to go buy before we leave I call out "okay" to Quil. I'm so exited!! I can't wait! Uncle Sam looks at me and asks "what was all that about?" I smile and reply "Quil and the guys are going to the fair tonight and he asked me if I wanted to go." He looks me like he's sad but I know he's happy for me "okay we'll be home by ten " he says. Ten?! You know what I this point I'll take what I get. when I get home I tell Emily and she's happy for me. I hop into the shower and wash my hair. I take off my make up off, paint my nails and choose what I'm going to wear I choose jeans which I roll up with a really pretty pink floral shirt and I wear my floral vans. T throw on a robe. Once my nails dry it's about 3. Three more hours until he picks me up. I decide to straighten my hair. By the time that's done it's already 5. So I put my clothes and makeup and grab a small over the shoulder bag, put my phone and some money in it. I hear a knock so I quickly put on some perfume and run down stairs. I open the door and Quil stands in awe "you look great" he tells me I smile and say "thanks and you do to" he smiles and I tell Aunt Emily and Sam bye. We get in his blue truck it's really nice, I didn't even know Quil could drive. He's always walked everywhere. Everyone's already there when we get there Jared and Kim with Paul and Rachel and Embry, and Seth. I only ever remember coming to a fair once and I was little and Quil was there and he rode all of the kiddie rides with me. We ride the tornado and this one really scary ride where monster and stuff jump out at you I'm sitting beside Quil and every time something jumps out I scream and he laughs and says "booooooo Claire I'm going to get you" and grabs my shoulder, I punch him In the arm. For the rest of the night we play games he wins a huge teddy bear at the strength game it was odd he hit all the way at the top... he gave me the teddy bear. We went on the Ferris wheel and stopped at the top, it was beautiful the sun was going down and you could see for miles very romantic. There was a breeze and I shivered and Quil gave me his coat. How sweet! We finally got to the bottom and got off, the rest of the night was laughs and riding rides it was amazing. Then it was time to go, sadly. Quil drove me home and when I got there I realized that I still had on his coat. I told home to wait and gave him his jacket and before I came back in I gave him a quick little kiss on the cheek and told him goodnight. When I kissed him he looked surprised but then he told me goodnight. I went inside feeling great I crawled straight into bed.

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