[03] Promised Treat

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The bell on the door of the coffee shop chimed as Tim stepped in, relief shining on his features as he had finally gotten free of his exams. It had been two weeks of extra hard work and zero patrol, however, he was satisfied with how the exams went by and knew he would definitely pass in all subjects.

It was rush hour in Dora's Coffee Haunt as all the tables were full and Eliza and Susan were both on the counter dealing with the customers. That meant there was way more pressure on Dora and Al as well since they had to prepare such a lot of orders.

Thinking that they could do with a helping hand and since he had learnt a lot from Dora in those baking lessons he had suggested himself, he went to the kitchen instead of waiting for the crowd to lessen.

"Oh Tim, hi," Dora looked up from the tray she was setting the cupcakes in, "how did your exam go?"

"Perfect and it was the last so I am finally free."

"That's great," she smiled but went back to her work immediately.

Tim had taken an extra apron she had kept for him whenever he came for baking lessons and wore it, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, "let me help."

"Oh no no no, you must be tired. Go and wait out in the comfy corner, okay? And I will join you when I get done here," she took the tray from his hands, "I can manage."

Tim was thinking of an excuse to stay in the kitchen though he didn't have to ponder long as Alex called him over, "if you are so adamant on making yourself useful, there are dishes in the sink. Wash them."

His face fell ever so slightly since he hated washing the dishes but loved baking. However, as Alex had asked him to do it, he didn't refuse.

"You could have given me some interesting task," he mumbled though Al heard it and chuckled.

"Like what? Giving you the task of making batter results in half of it missing. And you know I would never let you touch the coffee maker. We have a reputation to keep and oatmeal is not a flavor people prefer here."

He shook his head, "Alex, that was mean. It does not taste like oatmeal."

Dora was laughing by then, recalling all the times Alex had told Tim that the coffee he brewed tasted exactly like oatmeal and he would never touch a cup if it contained Tim's coffee.

"When you brew it, it does," he patted his back, pushing him towards the sink, "chop chop Timmy. And if you don't want to then go out. We'll manage."

"It's not like that. I really want to help," but then he noticed that there was something or rather someone missing, "where's Mona?"

"She went with Damian to Aleama's place," Dora replied, "they will be back anytime now."


Dora had placed the tray in the oven but before going back to set another tray, she stopped by Tim and placed a kiss on his cheek, "thank you."

His slightly sour mood on having to wash the dishes evaporated immediately, "it's no big deal, I am happy to help."

"Don't forget, you have to take Mona out on a treat tonight as you had promised you will on the last exam day."

"How could I forget? I am taking everyone out on a treat; I already texted Dickiebird so he would have told the others too." Then looking at Alex, Tim added, "oh and you're coming too. No excuses tonight."

"Fine. But for now go back to your own work, Dora, and let him wash the dishes. Because if you stay with him, both of you won't get any work done," Alex was very work oriented so it was no wonder that he got into a super authoritative mode while managing the shop.


Deliza's Ice Cream Parlor seemed extra crowded that night as most of the Wayne family had gathered there on occasion Tim giving a treat as his exams had finally ended. Mona was the one most excited as she had gone to select the flavors with Tim while the others had found seats and were joining tables together.

Alex and Dora were there too and Jason had also joined them as he returned early from his trip to Star City. Almost all of them were there, minus Bruce and Alfred. Even Selina and Helena had joined in.

The father and daughter returned after giving the order and sat down with the rest of their family and friends.

"This feels nice," Cassie mumbled over to Barbara, "I miss Steph."

Steph's semester break was still a few months later so she wasn't there with them and was in New Haven at the campus. Luke had graduated that year too so there was no wonder she would have been missing all of them too.

The highlight for her was that she would come back to Gotham when her semester break started and it was also the time they all were planning to keep the date for Tim and Dora's wedding. So Steph's presence at the Manor would be required a lot since she was the best when it came to arranging things.

Also she would have never forgiven them if they made all the arrangements without her.

"So Tim, now that your exams are finally over, what are you going to do next?" Selina asked, watching his smile widen.

"I will still be working at Wayne Tech," he replied, "oh but there is something I am very excited for."

"Ah the wedding," Jason remarked leaning back in his chair, "no wonder you're excited."

"Wedding, what wedding?" Both Helena and Selina looked bac in surprise as they were the only ones who didn't know about it.

"Our wedding," Dora added, "I thought Al told you, Helena."

"He told me you had gotten engaged to Tim but nothing more," Helena glanced at Al who looked back at her apologetically.

"I forgot..."

"I bet he will forget to turn up at the wedding day too then I will have to ask Richard to walk me down the aisle."

"Oh no I won't forget that," he spoke up immediately, "and no Richard, you can not walk her down the aisle."

"Aw, got my hopes up for nothing," Richard chuckled.

"But we are all waiting for Steph to come back from New Haven first," Barbara resumed, "and once she's here, we will decide the dates and start arranging everything."

"That's great, congratulations both of you," Selina smiled at the lovely couple.

"Mumma," Mona spoke up and Dora turned all her attention to her, "I have never been to any wedding."

She smiled, "it's okay, sweetheart. You're just six, this one will be your first and I am sure you'll enjoy it."

"Is it like a party? Like a birthday?"

She thought for a while, "I guess."

The answer seemed to have delighted Mona instantly, "so can my friends come too?"

"Of course dear."

She beamed at the reply, blue eyes shining in happiness, "I can't wait for Auntie Steph to come back. I am now really excited to see what a wedding is like."


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