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Me and my best mate Orson had a big thing for parties, we would stay out late surrounded by crowds of people. These parties we would walk to on foot, we never took a car as usually we would come back hammered.

One party in particular however really caught our eyes, 500 plus people would be there. One problem however, it was 10 miles away from where we live. We had no choice but to take the car I suggested we take a taxi there and back but Orson refused and reassured me with the classic "I wont drink too much" he said this often, but he would never keep his word. I had hesitantly agreed and we'd taken the car.

We made it there and entered the house, everywhere you looked there would be beams of light, drinks and people. Me and Orson couldn't have been any happier at that moment.

A few ours passed and I received a call from my girlfriend, Maevis. She said that it was getting late and that we should come home. I agreed but had to persuade Orson, he was very stubborn and didn't want to go home. I said it was the best for us and he reluctantly gave in and we got in his car. I had tried to explain to him once again why we should take a taxi, but he said he wasn't about to risk his car getting stolen or broken.

He tapped on the radio on and started driving. We were about midway when Orson asked me, "so when are you going to marry her".
I'd paused for a second and replied with, "I bought the ring, I plan on asking her to marry me in two weeks time. I booked a flight to Paris to do it, it's a suprise so don't go running your mouth."
He turned to me and laughed "okay, you got it"

I saw the light of a phone turn on and glanced over to Orson, he was texting someone. I told him to stop and keep his eyes on the road, "okay, okay fine" he said. Before I knew it the traffic lights turned red. He ran it. He ran the red light, a large truck smashed into the side of the car and flipped us over. I saw black. Nothing but black.

I woke up in my bed, I assumed it was a night terror. I felt really light, like a feather I stood up and reached for my phone on the dressing table. My hand glided through it like it wasn't there, like it was a hallucination. Obviously this freaked me out and I ran downstairs to find Maevis.

I heard faint crying from the front door, there were police talking to her. I asked her what was wrong but she didn't reply she just continued weeping. I reached for her shoulder, but once again my hand passed through it. I tried to hug her, I tried to talk to her, I tried to shake her, I tried to make a noise nothing would make her notice me.

I heard her on the phone, I couldn't make out what she was saying as I only heard a few words every now and then. The most I could put together was "I can't believe he's gone." I sat down and tried to process what was happening, then it hit me. Was I dead? Am I a ghost? I stood up and stared into a mirror. "I can see myself, can ghosts see themselves?" I thought.

I decided to try and grasp the attention of Maevis once again, so I headed over to the living room where she was now sat on the sofa. I sat on the one opposite her, her cheeks were tear stained and pale, her red hair looked dull, her blue eyes turned almsot grey. Not a thought behind them.

I started trying to talk to her again, I said things like, "hey..?", "You okay?", "i miss being here.", "please say something.", "Maevis, I love you." It was no good, she didn't even look towards me.

The doorbell rang, it was Orson. I don't know how he recovered from the crash so quickly but he did. Maevis, opened the door and hugged him. "Maevis, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." She asked if he wanted anything to drink and told him to take a seat, he sat next to me. I stared at him, wishing I'd never gone in that car.

She returned, "what happened out there, the police didn't tell me much." She asked.
"Eryx distracted me, he started texting someone and wanted to show me the texts when I looked back I had ran a red light and a truck went into the side of the car."
He lied. I didn't distract him. It was his own doing. He checked the messages, not me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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