Chapter Four

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Getting up bright and early Lauren was getting ready for the day Camila had planned for them. As unenthusiastic as she was about spending time with Camila she decided to push it to the side and suck it up because she gets to spend time with the girls. She came to this reunion to spend time with her friends and she wasn't going to miss that.

Standing out in the hotel lobby Normani was feeling anxious about talking to Camila. She came here to hash things out and she couldn't keep putting it off any longer. She had a lot to say and she really hopes that Camila is willing to listen to her.

Sitting on the edge of her bed Dinah held her phone up and took a selfie before posting it on Instagram. She didn't know what today was going to hold but she hopes that everything goes well. She knows Lauren isn't happy about this but she hopes that she can help cheer up the girl and make this day actually worth something.

Ally was standing in the bathroom nervously playing with her fingers as she thought about how today could go. She knows there's tension between the girls but she hopes that this outing can mend what's been broke.

Gathering in the lobby they all talked for a second before deciding to head out and get the day started. With shy eyes Camila walked up to Lauren but before she could even get to the girl Normani stops her.

"Hey can we talk?"

Camila shakes her head. "No I have to talk to Lauren. I have to fix things and I can't waste time with insignificant problems that don't matter." She said before turning and walking away. Normani couldn't help but feel hurt by being completely blown off by the girl. Maybe she'll try again later.

"Hey Lauren."

The voice made Lauren frown as she looks up. "What do you want Camila?" She asked. Camila shrugged "I was hoping that maybe we could spend some alone time together. I really want to talk." She says. Lauren sighed "save me a seat at lunch time and we can talk then." She said. Camila smiled "ok."

Sitting in the car Camila watched as Lauren and Dinah joked around and took pictures together. She couldn't help but feel jealous over how close Dinah was to Lauren. She hated that her ex best friend was so close to the love of her life. She knew that if she was going to have a relationship with Lauren she'd have to cut Dinah out of both of their lives. She couldn't have anyone trying to break them up. Not this time.

"Hey Dinah Jane can we talk?"

Hearing her full name made Dinah quickly turn around and face Camila. "Hey what's up? What did you want to talk about?" She asked. Camila looks at her blankly. "What's going on with you and Lauren? Are you guys dating?" She asked harshly.

Dinah laughed a little but shakes her head. "No we're not dating. We do live together." She replies. "But you guys were so close! There's no way you don't like her." Camila hissed.

Dinah crossed her arms. "So what if I do? Camila you don't own her and you have no right to question her love life when you broke her heart." She said. Camila glared at her. "Just know that when we're back together you won't be around her." She said. "Once I'm her girlfriend your friendship is through."


Normani was frustrated. Every time she tried to talk to Camila the girl would blow her off to go latch on to Lauren. For the majority of the late morning Camila was all over Lauren and barely, if ever, talked to the other girls and it was getting to her. Normani was trying hard to work their problems out but Camila was just blowing her off for Lauren and it hurts. She's really thinking about giving up.

"Hey Lauren are you ready for lunch?" Camila asked happily.

Lauren nodded "yes. I hope you don't mind but I invited Dinah to join us." She said. Seeing the girl's slightly smug smile made Camila want to rip her head off but she held back and just smiled. "Oh that's great."

Sitting at a small table Camila sat on one side while Lauren and Dinah sat on the other side. "So what did you want to talk about?" Lauren asked softly. Camila took a deep breath as she looks at Lauren. "I know our relationship ended on a bad note but I was hoping we could start over." She paused to look into Lauren's green eyes. "I love you Lauren. I never stopped loving you, and being here with you made me realize that I want to try again. I want to be with you again and I promise I'll do better than last time." She said. "Please baby come back to me."

Looking down at the table Lauren had tears in her eyes. She's always wanted Camila to say that, but hearing in now didn't feel right. She will always love Camila but getting back together isn't something she wants. After everything that happened she doesn't trust the girl with her heart anymore.

"We can't get back together." She said.

Camila's face fell as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Why not? I thought you loved me?" She questioned. Lauren sighed "I will always have love for you but us being together can not happen again. You broke my heart when you choose popularity over us, when you choose Shawn over us. I get that your dream is to be big but you didn't have to end things to be big. We could have made it work but you didn't even try, you just left. You choose fame over me and that's what hurts." She tells her.

Camila looks at her "I choose fame because it was my dream. Dating Shawn made me popular and I wanted that but I never stopped loving you," she sighed. "I get that you're scared of giving me your heart again but I can promise I won't hurt you this time. I love you Lauren and I just want to go back to what we used to be." She said.

Lauren frowned "Camila, we will never be how we used to be because I don't trust you anymore. You really hurt me when you left the way you did. You acted like you didn't care that you hurt me and that's what broke me." She said. "But I'm changing Lauren." Camila said desperately. Lauren nodded "good. Now change for someone else."

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