London Rock athone 1982

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Y/N Pov-
I can believe my college class was sent here to study
In Britain for are goth House. I'm from America
And there so many Rock bands here ware do I began at I said.
As I walked down the hall past Led zeppelin hall where
Robert plant was.

Untill I bumped into Someone. Omg I'm so sorry I said
Oh that's okay me lady he said in a kind British Accent. Omg
What a pretty lady you are miss said the boy. Oh I'm Razzle Dingley but people call me Razzle he said. Oh I'm Y/N I said.

In a shy manner. Can I ask you a question said Razzle. Yeah
Sure I said. Do you like Rock music? Razzle asked. Well ya I
Do I listen to a band called kiss why you ask. Ohh nothing

Are you in a Band? I asked . Well yeah he said. I'm part
Of Hanoi Rocks said Razzle. As me and him sat for a while
And chatted about Mine and his hobbies. So what country are

Umm I'm from America I said. Where at in America? said Razzle
Well um Lewisburg WV I said nervesly. Well your very beautiful
Said Razzle. As he ruffled my A/C hair. And he kissed my lips

So how long are you gonna be here in London? said Razzle.
Ohh um my house and my class are heading up to Finland
And probably whales, but my Serarity is heading for a Cemetery
Here in London to join some gothic house's

From Different colleges I said. Well umm for what? Asked
Razzle. Well umm for a picnic with the dead it's a thing
Are college does every year for all saints day I said. Wow
Umm really said Razzle.

Yeah do you wanna join me tomorrow I said. Yeah
Sure as he smiled at me. I should definitely be wearing black
Tomorrow then miss said Razzle. Yeah sure. As I left for my
Hotel room.

Wow bestie I can't believe European's are so weird including
Brit's said Y/BFF. Yeah they sure are I said. As I helped the
Class pack the food for the picnic with the dead in a London
Cemetery which I love dearly the mostly that Razzle too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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