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The angry crowd of people yelled as they followed the two guards who were pulling Kakuzu behind.

Shinju reached the scene and gasped, seeing the kids of the village pick up some rocks, tossing them onto Kakuzu.

Now the crowd was practically stoning him to death! The guards were getting hit too and they couldn't get the crowd to stop, until....
"Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu!!"

And the rocks were sliced to dust by the purple haired girl, who now stood in front of Kakuzu protecting him.

"Hey!!! What the hell do you think you are doing!! He already got his punishment and then some! What more do you need! He is one of your own! Disperse this mob at once!" She yelled angrily and turned to Kakuzu to see if he was alright.

His forehead and nose were bleeding heavily over the old bruises he seemed to already have. The tanned male spat the blood pooling in his mouth in front of her feet and snarled "I don't need your pity outsider"

"Back off Ju!" Haru demanded, obviously pissed at the little girl, yanking her back from her shoulder.

"But sensei!?" Shinju complained

"He has lost enough of his pride already. You don't need to do this" Haru explained glaring at Kakuzu who shot back a deadly stare her way.

The ginger turned her back to him and motioned for Shinju to follow.


"Young master dinner is ready and your parents await you" the maid spoke as she entered a huge training area behind a fancy looking house.

Kakuzu nodded, taking a wet cloth that she handed him so he can wipe the sweat off his face. The maid made sure to prepare him some new clothes to wear so that he could meet his parents at the dinner table.

Upon entering the well lit room, his eyes widened seeing the Takigakure kage sitting on the head of the table giving the boy a smile.

"Son. We think you are finally ready to join the war" his father spoke as his mother nodded and added "You are going to make us so proud one day"

Kakuzu bowed down in respect "I promise I won't let you down"


A splash of cold water was tossed at his face, waking him up from the day dream he was having. He had been chained down by his neck to ground for hours. His body was still bruised and tired from the long trip. His joints ached for a soft warm bed to rest on but that was far from what was awaiting him.

A warden approached him unlocking his cuffs and motioned with his head "Move! The man is waiting for you!"

Despite the exhaustion his was in, his body instantly got up to follow the order. Every cell in his body was conditioned to respond to orders no matter what the situation. His mind was still grasping what had happened with his father. He hoped that following the warden's orders would soften up his penalty and that his father would take back his words. This couldn't possibly be just it!

He followed the warden down the dim lit hall of the prison. The stench of blood and the sounds of tortured screams filled each of the rooms as his mind raced to comprehend what would be done to him. His punishment was to be imprisoned! Not tortured or killed. Right?

Upon reaching the door at the end of the hall he realized what this was. They were going to mark him like they did with dangerous criminals! It was a mark that would follow him for years and years to come.

The cold slab in front of him was leaking with fresh blood, making him step back in hesitation. The warden frowned and kicked the boy on his back causing him to topple over next to the slab. Two other guards grabbed his hands and held them down onto the tile as an old man dressed in a black attire reached out for a sharpened bamboo stick and a small stone.

Kakuzu struggled disgusted by the idea of being marked for life. Disgusted that his elite skin is to be touched by such filth and shame. This wasn't what he trained for! What he sacrificed his life for!


" We will need to send some spies off to Konoha! We must know if Hashirama will strike back!"

"If not Hashirama then for sure his brother will out of spite!"

The two elders bickered as the Kage sat there with his eyes closed. Haru was allowed to attend the meeting so she could understand the hierarchy of this place better. She nudged Saito who was sitting by her taking notes.

"Am I allowed to give my opinion on this matter?" She asked carefully and Saito nodded motioning for the Kage to grab his attention.

"Speak. What do you suppose we do?" Hayase said

"Well before jumping to conclusion shouldn't we investigate why Kakuzu came back alive?" She spoke clearing her throat so that her voice doesn't come out shaky from the intimidating state she was in.

"How would that matter!!" One of the elders frowned waving his fan, obviously not liking the outsider taking part in their business.

Unfazed she replied "if he was spared by Hashirama or presumed dead then that would differ. In both cases we can try to win Konoha's favor rather than fight them. I propose we send an urgent letter to Hashirama claiming Kakuzu wasn't working for Taki but was hired by kirigakure"

"You want us to side with konoha!!" The second elder exclaimed but the kage motioned for them to hold their tongues.

"You wish to move the war from the main land to the land of waters?" He asked in bewilderment rubbing his chin. They could send news that Kakuzu was a traitor who now faces severe punishment due to his hideous crime.

It was a coward's move but they would be able to save the entire village from the wrath of konoha by selling out one of their failures.

The Kage smiled at Haru. She truly fit in Taki. She had a dark and sophisticated mind. It was as if she was working her way up to be one of the elders herself.

On that same night a messenger was urgently sent to Konoha with a letter explaining their situation handing in false documents and evidence of Kakuzu's treachery with Kiri, sparking a new war between the lands, one that would last for years to come.

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