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c o f f e e


"I go purely for the coffee."

"You don't like coffee. You barely tolerate tea."

"I do now."

"Right. And that has nothing to do with the cute barista that works there."

"Who? Mickey? Ha ha. I don't know what you are talking about."

"God you are pathetic."

"I know."


"I refuse to be woken at this time in the morning to fuse your pathetic crush."

"C'mon, Mel."

"Just go talk to him, he's nice- well, he is when he isn't ignoring me to look over my shoulder at you."

"... Mel, can you just-"

"No. Order your own coffee from now on."


"Hello! Welcome to Carl's Coffee. What can I get for you?"

"Hi... uh... I would like, um, I would like..."




"Uh! Sorry. P-pumpkin spiced latte. To go. Medium!"

"...right, awesome. That's £3.55. And your name?"

"My name?"

"Yeah, sorry. Shop policy now that Starbucks is getting up in everyone's grill. Makes everything more friendly, apparently. So far it's just been awkward, especially since I'm dyslexic and- wow, I don't know why I'm telling you that. Sorry. Uh, name? Sorry."

"It's fine. It's Will."

"Will, huh? Nice. And easy to spell too. Suits you."



"Hey! Good morning! Pumpkin spiced latte, right?"

"You remembered..."

"Well, you are in here like everyday ordering the same thing."


"So...the other day. Was that your girlfriend who usually orders for you?"

"Who Mel? Nah, no way. She's just my best friend."

"Oh... Good."

"... Yeah?"

"Yeah. Enjoy your coffee!"

"O-okay, thanks. Yeah."


"Hey Will! I've got your order all ready for you. Nice and hot."

"You don't have to do that."

"It's my pleasure, seriously. That'll be £3.55."

"Got it, one sec...uh... Here."

"Thanking you..."


"Why do you like it?"



"... You don't?"

"Not particularly. Especially pumpkin."

"So... you work in a coffee shop and don't even drink coffee?"

Coffee // One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now