The Mysterious Case

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Sherlock walked into the flat and saw John sitting in his chair reading the news paper.

"Evening John," Sherlock said taking off his hat and coat by the door.

"You were gone a while. Another case solved?" John asked not looking up from his paper.

"Absolutely. Some bloke cheated on his wife, when she found out he had her killed. He thought he could get away with it since he hired someone to do it but he was sloppy about it. Didn't take long to figure it out." Sherlock said matter-of-factly.

John folded his paper and looked up at Sherlock, "I am glad you enjoyed this case Sherlock, but I do wish you would tell me where you were going and when you had cases so if something were to happen, I'd know where to start."

Sherlock just waved his hand at the doctor. Always worrying something was going to happen. "Oh nonsense! I know how to get out of a bind if need be, if it's a simple case I see no reason to bother you about it."

John sighs and stands up muttering to himself, "If you don't want me around, just say so..." Sherlock wanders to room looking for something, unhearing John's words. John goes to the kitchen and makes them both tea and brings it back to their chairs.

"I've got work first thing in the morning Sherlock, but I'm free the rest of the week possibly into next if you need me for a case."

"Alright, but I don't expect to be getting any major cases this week. I do have a lady coming in tomorrow to chat, other than that, nothing else planned." John just nodded.
The next morning John leaves for the clinic first thing. Sherlock's meeting isn't until 11am. John figured he'd call around noon to make sure the meeting went well and to see if Sherlock wanted to meet up for lunch.

John is getting ready to leave the clinic, it's 11am, he grabs his phone to call Sherlock. Phone goes straight to voice mail, "Well, That's strange." He tries again, same thing. He tries Mrs. Hudson's house number and it just rings, she must not be home. Weird. Just as he is about to walk out the door his phone rings, "Mycroft?"

"Get home now John! They may need you. Then come see me!" Click.

That's very weird, he usually just sends someone. Feeling uneasy, John rushes home. Mrs. Hudson is sitting on the back of an ambulance, "Oh God! Mrs. Hudson! What happened!?" John exclaimed as he ran up to her.

"Oh dear! Thank Heavens your alright! Some men! They came, they were looking for something or someone but Sherlock wouldn't help, so they took him! After pushing me out of the way! I fell on the coffee table!" Mrs. Hudson explained.

"Wait! Where's Sherlock!?" John only half listened after that, he ran to the front door where a cop stoped him, "I live here!!"

"Let him in," Came the familiar voice of Inspector Lestrade from up the stairs.

John ran up the steps, "Where is Sherlock!?" John asked, looking around.

Lestrade grabbed his shoulders, "John, he's not here. We looked everywhere..." John then breaks free of Lestrade and runs the apartment himself, checking every bedroom, bathroom, and closet he could looking for him.

Finally realizing he really isn't here, he falls down onto a step and lets a strangled sob escape his throat, "Damn him... I told him this would happen... that he needed to tell me more about these people and cases so I knew where to start looking for him if something happened."

"John, calm down. Go see his brother. Maybe he knows something. Let us know and if we find anything useful, we will let you know, alright?"

"Alright." John nods and runs out the door.
John doesn't even stop to knock, just walks right into Mycroft's office with 6-9 men following him with guns ready, "It's fine, it's an emergency, I've got this Gentlemen." Mycroft sends his men away.

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