Part two - the day they met

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Kenji's POV:
*sigh* ,,Another stressful day at work" I thought to myself as I was packing up my stuff, leaving the office. Since you already know that I'm not the richest person which means I don't own a car... and my apartment is pretty far away from work, so it's around 30 minutes walk. As I was passing by the toy store, I realised I was already slipping into little space. Which was really unusual since I usually slip when I get home... I guess today was really bad.
And soon enough, I was completely age regressed. I started jumping up and down, humming to myself, not caring about a thing.

I'm pretty sure strangers were weirded out but you know what? I was way too little to care. I was almost home when somebody grabbed me by my shoulder and turned my face to them. ,,Well hello there angel, what are you doing here so late all by yourself?" said the mysterious person. ,,U-um... I was on da ways homes.." I mumbled, looking on the ground. ,,Oh, is that so? I will accompany you." ,,N-no need to, it's otay..."
,,That wasn't a question." he said and the last thing I remember is getting hit in the head with a baseball bat.

*few hours later*
I woke up in a complete dark. My head was hurting as hell and I even noticed some blood on the floor. ,,How am I still alive..?"  I thought to myself. I carefully got up, started walking around the room looking for a source of light. Nothing. Suddenly I started remembering what happened. I gasped in horror and started trembling and running around, looking for exit... door, window anything... anything that'd help me get out. I then realised that I still have a phone in my pocket! So I reached for it but... found nothing. Wow, he's smart.
I started crying, screaming hoping somebody would hear me.

Another 30 minutes passed and I heard the door open. I quickly wiped my tears off and sat down on the cold, hard floor. The man was holding something and I automatically thought it was a baseball bat or a different weapon. ,,Move." he said in a quiet, cold and dangerous tone. I obeyed. Soon I realised that he wasn't holding a weapon, he was holding a blanket and a pillow. ,,This is your new home now." he said looking at me. ,,W-who are you..?" I whispered. ,,I'm Sangwoo..I've been watching you for a while now. You're an age regressor, huh?" I jumped. W-what? How would he know?! And why would he be interested in a silly little girl with a traumatic past? ,,Not that I care or anything" he added. Strange. If he didn't care, then why'd he point that out? ,,Go lay down, it's late." he said sternly and pointed to the old dusty blanket. ,,O-okay.." I mumbled and did as I was told.

next morning•
,,Wake up." I felt someone touching my forehead. ,,Hmh.." I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes. I saw Sangwoo looking at my tired face. I wanted to let out a bloody scream but then I realised I got kidnapped yesterday

. ,,Morning.." he said as he handed me a... sippy cup? Filled with apple juice?! ,,U-um.. could I get a normal glass please..?" I asked, slightly embarrassed. ,,No, why?" ,,U-um.. nevermind..." i said and looked down. ,,Right, here's your food. It's just some eggs, bacon and green beans. Eat up." I nodded and took a bite of the bacon. Wow, he might be a creep and a psycho but he cooks pretty well. I started smiling to myself and unfortunately he noticed. ,,I'm glad you like it." he said with a slight smile. ,,Don't forget to drink your juice, silly." he said as he tapped me on my head. ,,W-why are you treating me like a child?!" I squealed as I hid my face in my hands. ,,I told you already, I know you age regress. And I've been looking for a Little... this whole time but... nobody was interested in me. They even told me they were scared of me. So... if I can't have them, NO ONE can." he smirked.
,,A-and what exactly makes you think that I'd wanna be your Little!!?" I snapped as tears started running down my face. ,,Well, my dear, let's just say... you don't have a choice." he said in a cold tone. ,,Now drink your juice and I'll go grab some little gear."

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