Chapter 20: The end

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I was sitting in the passenger seat. My stomach was literally killing me. I wasn't even paying attention to the road or anything that was happening and I'm not sure if Kian is either. He keeps glancing at me. He's in shock, we both are. The pain is unbearable, I always knew it would hurt. But not this bad. We pulled up to the hospital and Kian helped me out of the car. We came in and the nurses, having seen us before we came in, ushered me into a wheelchair. Kian followed close behind, he never left my side. I had about three nurses at my side, telling me to breathe and be calm. The breathing kind of kept my mind off of the pain.

I got changed into the hospital gown. It's so ugly, but hey, I'm probably about to have a baby anyway. Who cares about fashion? The contractions come about every 6 minutes now. They are farther apart but hurt worse. Kian was having a hard time watching me through the pain. He was shaking and couldn't keep his eyes off of me.

Kian P.O.V.

It hurts me so much knowing that I can't help Dani. We've been at this hospital for like 2 hours. I'm happy that I can talk to her now. Earlier she couldn't speak. The nurse walks in, "Ms. Burke, I am going to check how dilated you are, it won't hurt, it will be over quickly." She said. I moved closer to Dani, one hand on her stomach and the other holding hers. The nurse did her thing and said that Dani was 8 centimeters dilated. I don't know much about birth but I do know that you can have a baby when your 10 centimeters dilated.

We are so close. I called Jc and told him to get Clara, grab Dylan's carseat and baby bag, and come over. They are on their way now. I can't wait. The anticipation is unreal. I can't believe that in under an hour, I could be a dad. Dani's contractions are closer together now, the nurse said that's a good sign. 

The door opened and Jc and Clara walked in. Jc sat Dylan's stuff down and Clara ran to Dani. She grabbed her hand. "How long will it be until he comes?" She asked, a tear escaping her eye. "The nurse said under an hour." I stated, grinning. I was so ecstatic. Clara smiled and gave me a hug. I'm so happy for you guys. She then started looking down at her stomach and smiled widely. "Jessa will join him soon." She said, then breaking down and crying. I don't know why she was crying.

Jc took her out to the hallway and somehow comforted her. They came back in when the nurse showed up. She checked Dani again and it was time. Jc and Clara went to the waiting room and I suited up for the birth. We wheeled her bed to another room. They prepped Dani for surgery and she was sort of freaking out.

Dani P.O.V.

I don't know how I feel right now. I'm scared, happy, and confused. All at the same time. I'm terrified for the pain. I was just prepped and now it's time to push. I looked up at Kian and he nodded slightly. I looked back down and began pushing. Minutes later after tons of pushing, I heard a faint cry. I was very awake. They handed Dylan to me and I snapped right back to reality.

I was about to live a life of changing diapers, making bottles, cleaning everything. It would be exhausting, but I'm not alone. Kian was crying more than I was and I just shot a baby out of my vagina. It was so cute. They took Dylan and cleaned him up and put a cute hat on him while he was wrapped in an adorable blanket. Kian then told the nurse to get Clara and Jc. They came in and Clara had been crying. You could tell. I handed Dylan to Kian. This is it. We are parents. I'm not happy with my desicions but I can't say it's the worst thing to happen to me. I have a cousin who is my best friend, my amazing boyfriend, Jc, and now my adorable son. I couldn't ask for a better life and I won't.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading, I know it took me forever to write this and it's really short but I am going to make a sequel. I don't know when I'll start it but maybe soon. Maybe today. I may start the first chapter. I don't know. But anyway, thank you all so much for over 500 reads. Peaceeeeeeee.

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