I'll help you

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The notebook I wrote most of these oneshots in is back at my home, so this is what I have

Velvet looked at his refection in the mirror, his normally bright green eyes where glistening with tears, he was a mess, his hair, his face his personality... Everything about him was messed up in the worst way possible.

He couldn't bring himself to look at his parents as they said goodbye, false promises of love filled his ears as he left for another day at school. 

Sitting at the back of the class next to the quiet kid was always useful. It saved him from a conversation, however. He was so god damn cute. Another reason for Velvet to hate himself, he shouldn't feel this way, not to someone he's never spoken to. 

He was staring again. Velvet couldn't help himself, the boy was just perfect. However he knew he messed up when the teacher called on him. "Velvet! Pay attention, face the front." Velvet jumped and felt his face heat up as everyone looked at him.

Everything was okay, for a second. Before "Hey are you okay?" 

Of course he had a cute voice too.

"I'm alright... Thank you." He was blushing this time. The boy smiled at him before returning to his work. Velvet told himself that one interaction didn't mean anything. He looked down at the work he was meant to be doing. No way he would get this done, his mind was all over the place. 


After class he rushed to the bathroom, he needed a moment away from everything he leaned on the sink taking deep breaths, until he heard the door open and a very familiar face walked in. "Velvet right?"

He knew? Velvet smiled, he had noticed enough to know his name. "Yeah it is.... You're Ant right?" Ant nodded, coming over and standing next to him. "Correct, I wanted to check on you, you seemed different today."

He noticed enough to know something was off, he noticed more than Velvet's parents. God this boy really is an angel. "Oh right, well I've just been... Anxious about everything." Velvet took a deep breath, this was a hard thing to tell someone. 

Ant's gaze softened, not of of pity but out of care. "I know a few tricks to deal with that, so if you don't mind..." He takes hold of Velvets hand, his blue eyes meeting Velvets green ones. 

"I'll help you."

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Velvetfrost oneshots I write when meant to be asleepWhere stories live. Discover now