chapter one: that night

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Stars can't shine with out darkness.

The sound of the lift doors opening snap me back to reality. As the doors open I see the dark sky with little white dots speckled about the sky.
My hands draped down the short wall separating my body and the drop down the building.
The cold midnight breeze making my hair slowly sway.
Suddenly I hear this voice shout from behind me.
It sends chills down back making me jump a little.
"I've never seen you here" I see roll of the tong of a tall dark hair woman standing before me.
I couldn't make out her facial features she was standing where the light didn't not hit.
"I'm new to the area. You are ?"
I tried to sound confident not like I was scared of a woman standing in front of me that I couldn't even see.
"Im Stella, you are ?"
This time her tone sounded soft, inviting. Nothing compared to the sarcastic tone that she'd came out with not even a few seconds ago.
"Im kate. Nice to meet you Stella."
I've never met anyone named Stella. I've always read books or watch films with named Stella. It's always the badass ones.
"Nice to you meet you Kate."
She's says slowing walking towards me the moon light hitting her face in just the right places. I could see her face more defined now.
Her short dark hair just touching her shoulders. That's the first thing I noticed how it fell so carefully over her face.
"Its a strange place for you to be at this time. It can be unsafe up here , especially at night. So what brings you up here?"
She asked in a calming tone. Probably sensing my nerves.
"I don't really know. I love stars. I love watching them. I don't know why they make me feel at peace. Make me Forgot about everything going on around me."
I'd recently moved here from France, I never really thought about moving out of England. Never mind moving to France, and now Virginia.
"Me too, there calming." She says while tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear.
You both stand chatting for a moment. Getting to know each other.
You found out she was born and raised in Toronto, Canada before moving to Virginia.
You talked about how you lived in France.
I always loved the place especially Paris.
I lived in Lyon in France for about 3 years before moving to Paris.
We started talking about relationships. I don't know how we got on to the topic but it came about. I was never a one for relationships. I've always struggled with my sexuality, I experimented a little bit it in Paris but never actually formed any relationships.
" well I've actually never had a proper relationship before." I said In a bubbly tone.
"Really? Seriously? You're stunning. How can a woman like you not get a man ?"
After she said that my face dropped a little. I could the worrie in her eyes thinking she'd said something wrong.
"Well actually" I said with a sigh. "It's not a man that I want. Men try and talk to me a lot but I'm just not interested."
She looked down at me with a confused look on her face.
"It's a woman I want actually. I've never really been ok with my sexuality only recently I've came to terms with it."
I could see the panic wash over her face. I started to worry. What if she didn't like the fact that I was gay? Even though I'd only met her a few hours ago I felt close to her like if known her my whole life. Suddenly I hear a voice whisper
"I'm gay too actually."
My face blushed I don't know why but hearing her say those words made me feel happy . Like I wasn't alone in the world anymore.
"Wait what? Your gay too?" I say trying to hide the fact that I was screaming inside.

"Yeah, I've never really told anyone. My family think it's wrong but you know. I never really told them."
I couldn't hold it I felt a slight smile creep on my face. She could tell.
She let out a short chuckle.
" I think it's time we go home . Don't you ?"
I let out a short sigh
"Yeah I guess"
I stand up getting ready to walk over to the lift , when I feel a warm hand touch my arm.
"Here, my number message me. I was hoping you might want to meet again sometime?"
I took the paper out of her hand, I looked up at her eyes i smiled giving her a wink as I walked in the lift.

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