Chapter four: lies

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"I'll be there in 10"
'Kates POV'

I flung the covers of my bed as I rushed towards my closet
I dont really care what I look like as long as I look presentable.
The man who phoned my new boss id only met him once or twice
The BAU is a very known department in the FBI I didn't really want to join at first I love being in action the thrill of it the adrenaline running through you.
That was the main reason I loved the CIA being able to help people but also getting that rush
It stoped me from wanting other things. Another type of rush.
As soon and I was ready I grabbed my keys and ran the car jumping in I noticed someone ride out on a motorbike from the shared garage the block of apartments has I thought it was strange since it's almost 3.30 in the morning. I dismissed it as nothing.
'At the BAU'

I bump into a tall man giving me a warm smile as I walk out the lift
"You must be agent Thomas? I'm supervisory special agent white. I'm the boss of the BAU but we all work together as a team no one is in charge. It's an honour to have you here your well known in the FBI as well as the CIA."
Oh my god he said honour they actually want me here oh wow.
"Evening agent white, and yes I'm agent Thomas but please it's a pleasure to be here ive heard so much about the BAU so it amazing to be finally working here."
He gave me a small smile before showing me to his office.
"I'm very sorry to have called you in This early in the morning and for this to be our first meeting but, I've been informed that a friend of the man who you put away on your last undercover case is out for revenge"
My face fell.
He's back
But now he's getting his workers to do his dirty work.
"What do you mean friend? Do we know his name? Do we know his where abouts?"
He shook his head
"Sadly we don't know where he is but we know he's in the states, as for a name we have his real name non of his aliases, it's Francis Jones. Ring any bells?"
It did, Francis was this guys best friend he never liked me ever since he met me, so I wasn't surprised when white said it was him.
" I know him" I replied "he was that guys best friend he never liked me. Ever."
Me and agent white finished talking, we discussed things about what happened when I was under cover basic knowledge about Francis as well. He also informed me that he'd called the rest of the team into help
This scared me a little I've never met them before and this is very strange circumstances that were meeting under so.
I walked out of whites office to see a group of people walking through the door and gathering round a singular desk. I then noticed a woman holding a motorcycle helmet walk in slowly after.
It's Stella. It's her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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