Chapter 17

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I get out of bed and make my way to my corner in the garden. I sit on my swing once again, the breeze rocking it just a little bit like always. The breeze hits my face and my hair flies back a little. After a few minutes, I feel myself zoning out. Too lazy to zone back in I stay that way.

Archibald's P.O.V:
I lay in bed, tossing and turning. This is the second day in a row I can't sleep. The first time the only thing in my mind was Odette at the ball. The way I hurt her, the way she danced, and today I'm afraid she's still the reason for my insomnia. I hate her. I really do. There's just so much she has done, but yet she's the only thing in my mind. Not the bad things she done either just her. The way she laughed when she said thank you to me, the way she wrapped her arms around my neck as I was holding her, the way she softly nuzzled her face into my neck in the carriage. All of that.

Back to Odette's P.O.V:
I sit there zoned out. I hate Archibald. I really do. However, him grabbing me being the first thing he does in the carriage and his laugh when I apologized kept playing in my mind. Moments like those make me question my feelings towards him, but then he goes on and does something idiotic that reminds me why I hate him. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder which startled me.

"Jesus Christ Archibald," I say startled.

"You frighten so easily," he says leaning against the tree.

"Well, I came here to be alone and suddenly I'm not," I respond.

"I can't sleep," he says sitting on the ground leaning against the tree.

"And why is that?" I ask sitting next to him.


Archibald's P.O.V:
"And why is that?" She asks sitting down next to me.


'Because every time I try to close my eyes and fall asleep all I can picture is me holding you and you having your arms wrapped around me.'

"I'm not sure. The beds are comfortable, I just don't know why."

"Mmm," she says.

"Why are you here?" I ask her.

"Same reason. I can't sleep."

"Why not?"

Back to Odette's P.O.V:
"Why not?" He asks looking at me.

'Well, you see, when I close my eyes to try and sleep, the only thing that comes to my mind is me feeling safe in your arms.'

"Not sure... I guess I'm just not tired."

He simply nods yes.

"What do you think our parents wanted to talk about?" I ask.

"Oh, so now you're curious?" He asks laughing.

"Yes, I am," I respond laughing.

"Well, I don't know, but you can agree that they're acting strange, right?" He asks.

"Definitely. They want us to be together all the time."

"Exactly. Do you think they actually think we get along or are they just acting..." he says, I assume trying to find the right words.

"Stupid?" I say.

"I wasn't going to say that but if you say it then sure," he says with a chuckle.

I chuckle too and say, "I really don't know, they are acting strange though."

"I know they are, and it's really bothering me, I feel like this has to do something with us."

"No way? And how long did it take for you to figure it out?" I ask sarcastically.

He looks at me annoyed and says, "I just need to figure it out."

"Then do it?"

"But I need you to help me. You're creepily observant and you notice the smallest things. If it maybe involves the both of us, shouldn't we both try to figure it out?"

"I mean sure..."

"Have you noticed anything else?"

"Well before you came here, father told me you'd be great for the family."

"That's what my parents told me about you as well."

"What do you think that means?"

"I don't know..."

We stay in silence for a few seconds. It was comforting in the beginning, but it started getting kind of awkward quickly.

"Look at us, getting along, NOT wanting to kill each other," he says, breaking the silence.

"Who's to say I don't want to kill you?" I respond looking down at the grass.

"Do it then," he says with his chin up.

"No," I say scoffing.

"So you don't want to kill me? I'm giving you the opportunity and you don't take it," he says.

"It's too far in the open here, your pain filled screams would be heard from the town below," I reply.

He scoffs low and again, silence. Awkward silence. There's a little path that leads up the hill where my home is located, to my backyard to be exact. When I was younger, I would ride my bike down that path, and spend the day in town. I stopped one day, I don't really know why, and it's been years since I've done it. The path had trees on each side, and when you go to the bottom, where town was, the exit was covered in leaves, so it was pretty hidden. The only people that know about that little path was Colette, Ezra, Adrienne, Archibald, and me of course. Archibald and I were sitting silently, suddenly I heard rustling coming from the path.

"Did you hear that?" I whisper.

"Hear what?" Asks Archibald quite loudly.

"Shhh," I say with the rustling happening again, "that."

"I don't hear anything you lunatic," says Archibald with the same volume as before.

"Stop talking so loud, listen carefully," I whisper, standing up. I walk up to Archibald and kneel on the opposite side of him.

The rustling happens again, and based on Archibald's changed expression, he can hear it too. He looks over me, putting his arm in front of me pushing me more against the tree.

"Who's there?" He announces.

I roll my eyes and slap his arm.

"Archibald, if there's someone there, they're not going to respond, idiot," I whisper.

"Right," He says.

I turn to see who or what is making that noise. Suddenly, someone walks up into the hill, and I recognize him instantly.

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