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~Will's point~

I walked with the workers pulling my own little sled. I pull a carrot out of my bag and feed half to my reindeer the ate the rest

Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining
This icy force, both foul and fair
Has a frozen harbor of mining
So cut through the heart
Cold and clear
Strike for love and
Strike for fear
See the beauty, sharp and clear
Split the ice apart
And break the frozen heart
I sang with them as I tried my best to collect ice with them.

Watch your step!
Let it go!
Watch your step!
Let it go!
I sang as I jumped over holes and almost fell in a few time.

Ice has a magic
Can't be controlled
Stronger than one!
Stronger than ten!
Stronger than a hundred men!
I sang as I finally got a piece of ice cut out of the ground and put it on my sled

Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining
This icy force, both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth finding
Cut through the heart
Cold and clear
Strike for love and
Strike for fear
There's beauty and there's danger here
Split the ice apart
Beware the frozen heart
The workers sang as the faded away with stacks of ice on there big sleds.

I rode with my reindeer trying to catch up but it grew dark and I started to get discouraged. Then I saw to horses ride by and one of the had ice trailing behind it

"Whoa! Ice!" I said as I turned to follow.
I followed them to a place filled with rock and hide behind a bush and watch them.

"Whoa!" I yelled in excitement as I saw the rocks turn into trolls.

"Shh, I'm trying to watch them" a troll said next to me. She then looked  between me and sven and smiled

"Your so cute! I'm gonna be your mama!" I laughed happily as she pulled me into a hug and we watched on of the trolls heal a little boy.

~Bianca's point~

"Bianca, Bianca!" I faintly heard my call but I tried to ignore him since I was tired but then I felt him bouncing on me.

"Come on Bi! Wake up! Wake up, Wake up, Wake up!"

"Nico, I'm tried, go back to sleep." I said not even opening my eyes. I felt Nico roll off of me and lay by my side.

"But I can't, look the sky is wake, that means I'm awake, so we have to go play."

"You can play by yourself." I said before shoving him off the bed. I heard him sigh as he hit the floor. Then just as fast as he fell he was back on the bed and opening one of my eyes, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"
That got my attention. I jumped off the bed and Nico grabbed my hand. We ran out the door

"Come on, hurry!" Nico yelled and I shushed him as we ran down the stairs into the entry hall (it didn't work).

"Make it snow! Make it snow!" Nico begged. I smiled and waved my hand together, a soft blue light glowed as I formed a snowball in my hand. Nico stared in amazement as I throw the snowball in the air and it exploded into snowflakes that fell all around the room. He ran around catching the snowflakes with his tongue.

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