Happy Ending

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Warning if past chapters have made you squeal late at night then this one definitely will to. Just a warning Doctor_Orders1932  :p

~The Royal Adviser's point~

I walked down the pier. And talked with a man walking beside me

"As you know the Queen does not wish for her first act as queen to be sentencing someone to death, however I hope that you will see that he pay  appropriately for his crimes"
I said to a man walking Stew to a ship with his mouth covered.

"Of course, and we will see how his twelve brothers deal with what he did"
The man said

"Arendelle thanks you for your  diligence, my lord" I said as the man walked on to his ship with Stew.
Further down the pier I saw two guards   escorting the Duke and his men. The Duke was trying to do everything he could to get away.

"This is unacceptable! You don't understand the horrors I went through!" He yelled but the men escorting him were not fazed

"I'm a victim! Look! I-I hurt my neck!" He yelled trying but failing to make it look like he was hurt.

"I-I...I demand to see the Queen!"

"Actually" I said coming up behind themand making them all turn.

"I have a message the Queen said to give to you personally"

"Really?" The Duke asked confused
As I unrolled a piece of paper

"By order of the Queen, Arendelle will henceforth and forevermore no longer do business of any sort with Weaseltown."

"It's Weselton!"

"Yes I suppose it does say that in small print" I said squinting at the bottom of the paper before looking up with a grin.

~Nico's point~

"Come on, Come on, Come on!" I yelled pulled Will behind me as I ran. It had been 4 days since Bianca brought back summer. We were able to get Will's head treated and he woke by the next day. I told him that the doctor said he should stay for a few day because it was a head injury he had. He asked me how he got there then started berating me for carrying him when I had a bad arm. he insisted that I also stayed in the infirmary and for three day! I had to listen when I told Bianca about it and she agreed with him saying that I needed rest. I had told her all about Will and the many things that happened. She was not happy when I told her why my arm was wrapped in a scarf. Then she told me everything that happened to her. And I mean everything starting from the day she stop hanging out with me and it meant a lot. But I both Will and I were out of the infirmary and I couldn't control my excitement. I told Bianca something I want to do for him and she happily agreed "Anyone who takes care of my brother like he did deserves to be rewarded" she said.

I ran holding Will's hand to help guide him since he had a blindfold on but I  accidentally ran him into a pole

"Oh gods, Will, I'm so sorry!" I said

"It's fine" he said with a laugh. I shook my head and pulled him forward then I stopped and put my hands out

"Ta-da!" I yelled

"Nico, you shouldn't have. I've always wanted darkness" he said laughing.

"Oops" I said before removing the blindfold and trying again.

"Ta-da!" I yelled again my hands out to a brand new, high end sled.

"Is-Is that for me?" He asked

"Yes! And It will be perfect for if you need to get to patient in to snow" I said super excited

"What patients?" Will asked smiling but still confused
I pulled down a sheet the covered a sign over the door of a building. The sign read "Solace Care"

"I-I can't accept-" He started to say

"Well you have to Queens orders" I said cutting him off

"Is it ok?" I asked shyly

"Ok? Nico this is amazing!" He said picking me up and spinning

"I could kiss you!" He said before realizing what he said and putting me down.

"I-I mean...I want to....I mean it you're ok with it....I-" he began the stumb and I shut him up by kissing his cheek. I let the kiss linger a moment before pulling away

"Will, as cute as I find your stumbling. Just shut up and kiss me" I said and he immediately pulled me into a 6 second kiss. He pulled away and smiled

"You think it's cute when I stumble?" He asked

"Shut sunshine" I said punching his arm but smiling.

~Percy's point

I walked through town taking in everything that summer had to offer. I walked up to a pot of flowers and took a deep breath smelling them then I suddenly sneezed and my nose flew off.
Luckily Lee caught it with him mouth.
I walked over to grab it from him but he put it all the way in his mouth.

"Goodbye nose" I said in a soft and sad voice. Then Lee came up to me and put my nose back. And I hugged him

"I know you were a good reindeer.

~Bianca's point

I stood in the castle courtyard surrounded by towns people.

"Ready for this?" I asked and everyone cheered. I stumped my foot to the ground and Ice spread through the courtyard making it a skating area. I then froze the two fountains and made it lightly snow. Everyone started to skate around happily and Nico stumbled to me. He slipped and I caught him.

"I really like having the gates open" he said

"There never going to close again" I promised him

"What about late at night" he teased

"You know what I mean" I said waving my hand and creating ice skates on the bottom of his shoes.

"Bianca, you know I can't skate" he said with a little fear.

"Oh come on" I said pulling him along as I skated. Percy came up behind Nico and helped make sure he did fall. Me and Nico both laugh. happy to finally have each other again.

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