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And so, the two weeks of student training time passed buy, Tyler spending a lot of time with Katsuki and Kyoka, occasionally training with Shinsou. They knew the ins and outs of each other's quirks, every fight ending in a stalemate. Tomorrow was the day of the entrance exams and now was the end of the school day, Tyler chatting with Mina. "What's the meaning of this?!" Tyler stopped and looked up, a large crowd of students crowding at the door. Shinsou stepped to the front and said, "We're General Studies. In this sports festival, we aren't gonna lose. We will win and prove our worth. According to the teachers, it's possible for students to transferred from class to class. The only one in your class of scumbags worthy of being in class 1-A is Tyler. This is war, and you'd better be prepared."

"Shinsou, what the fuck." The purple-haired boy turned to her with an arched eyebrow. "Honestly, how stuck up are you? Most of the people in this class are a lot better than me and you're only saying I'm worthy because we're friends. We all worked very hard to get here and I understand that you did, too, but don't go shitting on fortunate people because you're being a selfish brat that can't get what it wants. I will not have you disrespect my friends and if you declare war on us, I'm sticking to my side and going with that. Friendship is out the door, cat boy." Tyler pushed through the crowd with Katsuki following her, sneering at the other classes.

Down the halls and put the doors, Katsuki and Tyler split ways, the latter walking down to the convenience store and checking that she had her wallet in her pocket. "SF tomorrow..." through the aisles, she kept muttering to herself questions and "What If"'s, not really focusing on it. Going to the counter with an armful of medical bandages, candies, and gum, the cashier interrupted her mumbling.


"Huh? Oh sorry, was I mumbling?" Tyler pulled out the correct amount of money from her wallet, handing it to the lady and taking her bag of stuff. Soon, she reached her house and unlocked the door, immediately being pounced on by a heavy creature. "What the hell..." Tyler looked up from her position on the floor and saw a happy, golden-white pup on her chest. "Uh... Hi?"

Kyoka came out from the kitchen and lifted the dog off of her sister, smiling widely. "Mom and dad got you a dog! They said you'd been through a lot and probably needed something to help you through life."

"Hold up, really? I mean... I haven't been through too-"

"You were abandoned by your parents, you've overused your quirk and landed in the hospital many times, you had to have cataract surgery, and you almost got raped." The girl crouched down and handed the happy dog to Tyler. "We're all here for you, Tyler, don't hesitate to come to us for anything. I helped pick out the dog and I think you deserve him."

"I... thank you, Kyoka. I think I'll name him... Troy." The puppy barked and licked Tyler's face, the girl smiling and standing up, picking up the small dog. "Don't worry, the previous owners were pretty anal and already had him potty trained. Dad said since he wakes up so early he can walk him in the mornings, but you have to walk him at night."

"Okay, thank you, Kyo."

"And now for the student oath! At the podium, we have Katsuki Bakugou and Tyler Nakamura!" Tyler groaned and followed Katsuki up to the stand. "I just wanna say... I'm gonna win."

The crowd booed and Tyler cleared her throat, tripping the boy and grabbing him by the shirt. "The Hell was that?" He only arched an eyebrow and Tyler let him go, laughing a bit. "Sorry about that, my friend is a bit egotistical. Anyway, I don't have anything prepared to say, but we should all do our best. Friendship is out the window in this competition and I don't intend on losing."

The crowd cheered, a dramatic change from before, as Tyler walked back down. At the grass, Monoma stepped in front of her. "I bet you're the weakest of the class! Y'know what they say, the bigger the talk, the longer the walk!" Tyler stared into his eyes, unamused, and sang to him, "I know to you I don't seem very strong, but I assure you before you can find me I'm gone. So come on and catch me, you still got a chance, but not for long. I'll be roaming place to place, I won't stop till I win the race, although I may have crossed the line. The times we waste on you, I don't plan on slowing down, even if you think I'm in the wrong." Walking to her friends, she finished the song, humming to herself.

The first part of the festival was an obstacle course, the entrance designed to filter off students based on their strategies. Tyler stopped and got close to the wall, putting her hand on it. A new hand sprouted from the wall, picking her up and throwing her over the crowd of students and out of the shrinking tunnel.

The next obstacle was a deep canyon with many rock platforms. Tyler used Anima again to launch herself from platform to platform, clearing the cavern.

The next obstacle was a mine field in which she was shoved to the ground. She landed on a mine that blasted her into the air. Tyler used this to her advantage.


Hello, everyone, Sean here. This is an unfinished chapter that I have not even looked at in over a year. I am disappointed in the quality of the writing of this story and will be re-doing it. It will be generally the same but with less plot holes and better grammar and spelling. I hope you understand and I would really appreciate it if you gave me a bit of time to create a new story for you all. Thank you for staying with me and supporting this series, I will post a final update to this story when the new one is out.

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