Chapter 1

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Sam's POV

I am now here at the subdivision of my boyfriend, I mean fiancé, Sherwin. He texted me earlier that he couldn't pick me up at work because he is not feeling well. I decided to take care of him that's why I'm here.

I'm nervous because this will be the first time that I will be here with Sherwin alone. In the past, everytime I went here Sherwin's parents and friends will be here too. But his parents is now at Taiwan to visit Sherwin's brother and his family.

When I got to Sherwin's house I immediately knocked on the door. After few minutes and no one opened the door, I tried to turn the door knob and I lightly shake my head when I did.

"He didn't lock his door again."

I open the door and was about to went straight to the kitchen to make some soup when I heard Sherwin moaning. I hurried up the stairs to look at Sherwin in his room when I was stopped by the scattered men's and women's clothes on the second floor. And then I heard a moan of a man and a woman.

I nervously went closer to Sherwin's room. I may be a virgin but I'm not that naive to not know what they are doing.

"Sherwin, faster, make it faster." I heard the woman said that makes my tears fall down.

Because I know that voice and I can't believe that she is the one who will do this to me. But I still want to confirm if it is really her so I peeked through the small opening in Sherwin's bedroom door.

And with what I saw I couldn't stop my tears from falling. Because inside the room, I saw my naked fiancé on top of my naked bestfriend.

I can't believe that the two person that I trusted the most is now cheating on me. I could no longer stand what I am seeing so I walked away from that room. But I am not far enough yet when I heard Sherwin speak which made me hurt even more.

"I love you, Rina." Sherwin said while moaning.

"I love you too, Sherwin. But, how about Sam?"

"You know that I don't love her anymore. I just don't know how to break up with her."

I don't know what they have said after that because I quickly runaway in that place. I went to my car and drive away from that place.

I've been driving for hours and up to now I still don't know where will I go. I just drive I feel tired and hunger. I was about to park at a restaurant when I saw the FE Hotel nearby so I decided to went there instead.

"Good evening, Ma'am." the guard greeted me with a smile when he opened the door for me.

I'm not in the mood to talk so I just smiled at him.

"Good evening, Ma'am. How can we help you?" the receptionist asked with a smile.

"Good evening. I would like to checked a room." I said smiling.

"Do you have reservation, Ma'am?"


"I'll check if we have an available room."

After few minutes, I am now at my hotel room ko. I chose their penthouse suite. I planned to have a drink with mt friends here. But when I called them they were all busy with their boyfriend and family so I decided not to let them come here. I can't call my brothers and cousins because if they knew what I found out, those two will be surely sent to the hospital tomorrow.

I rest for a while before I take a bath. I always have spare clothes at my car. Because most of the time Sherwin and I are having sudden get together with our friends. Or my friends and co-workers will ask me to go to a bar or club, or to have a sleepover.

But I still have plans to go shopping tomorrow, to buy clothes and other necessities I'll need. I don't have plans of going home or going to work.  I'll just text my boss that I will not go to work for a few days. I'm sure that he will agree because I didn't take any leave since the day I started working.

I wear skinny jeans, t-shirt and strappy sandals. I get my purse and get out of my room to go at the hotel's bar.

When I reached the bar, I went straight to the counter and I ordered some hard drinks. I want to get drunk and wasted, to drink my pains away. But because I have high alcohol tolerance ko, thanks to the training of my brothers and cousins, I need to drink something with a very high alcohol content. And even if that liquor has a high alcohol content, it will still take time for me to get drunk.

While waiting for my order, I roamed my eyes around the bar. It's only 9:00 in the evening, that's why there were only few people here.

Through out the night, not just one approched me to introduce himself. But I just shrugged them off and show that I'm not interested. I did nothing whole night but drink.

By 3:00 am I'm feeling a little dizzy so I decided to go back to my room. I was tired, upset, and dizzy from alcohol, so I went straight to bed and fell asleep.

It is not yet long when I lie down the bed when I felt a big hard arms hugging me. I don't know who is hugging me, and I was about to protest when his lips coveres mine and his hands roamed around my body.

And before I knew it, I started enjoying the pleasure and sensation he's giving me. And the room was now filled with our moans. And we spent the next hours pleasuring each other.

Sorry for wrong grammar and spelling... Open for criticism... I'm a new writer, if you have any comment or suggestion it will be a great help for me to improve my writing skills.

And please bear with me if I can't update the story frequently. I originally wrote this is Taglish, and I am just translating it. The Taglish version is not yet finish that's why I can't translate it fast. Thank you...

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