Chapter 2

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Albert's POV

It's already 3 in the afternoon when I woke up. This is the first time that I have slept peacefully and contented, and waking up without feeling tired. And that's all because of the lady sleeping beside me. I glanced at her and put a blanket on her.

I remember going to the party of my cousin that was held in one of the halls here at FE Hotel. I went there to make sure everything was okay. Knowing that cousin of mine, I'm sure that there will be trouble. Besides, it is also one of my responsibility as the owner of this hotel.

Before I leave, my cousin and his friends give me one shot of their drink that I accepted so that my cousin will not be embarassed.

But while I'm at the elevator I feel uneasy and hot. Right then and there I know that my cousin and his friends spiked my drink, they drugged me. And before I enter my room I realized that someone is inside so I decided to go to other room.

But then a sweet fragrance caught my attention and when I turned around I saw a lady entering the room beside mine. Maybe it's because of the drug but I can't stop myself from following her. I don't know if I could call myself lucky, because she didn't lock her door. So after I enter her room I locked it and follow her scent.

I found her lying on the bed, and again I can't stop myself from laying beside her. And when she's near me the heat I'm feeling started to rise faster. Before I knew it, I am already hugging her, kissing her, and pleasuring her and myself until late in the morning.

I heaved a sigh and look for my pants. When I found it I grab it and get my phone. I dialled my assisstant/secretary's number. It only took one ring to be answered.

"I want you to investigate what happened to me last night." I said before he could even speak. "I want to know their detailed plan. Also do a background check on the lady checked in at penthouse 2. Buy sets of clothes and shoes, one for me and one for a lady." I give him what I think is her size. "Bring it at the penthouse 2 together with all the paperworks I needed to sign and my laptop."

"Yes, Boss."

After the phone call I went to the shower room and take a bath. While doing so, I can't help but reminisce the moment I shared with her. She is not the first woman I had sex with, but she is the best. She is the only one who gave me so much pleasure and made me satisfied.

I just finished taking a bath when I heard a knock. I wear a bathrobe then I open the door and saw Travis, my secretary/assisstant.

I didn't let him in, I just extended my arms to get the things I asked him. He gave me the clothes, documents and my laptop. I put all of it at the living room.

He was about to close the door when I remembered something.

"Someone entered my room. I want you to know who is it. And also ask someone to clean my room, and maybe disinfect also."

"Right away, Boss."

With that, he closed the door and left.

I wear the clothes for me and started working while waiting for her to wake up.

Sam's POV

Pain. That was what all I think of when I opened my eyes. I have headache and my whole body hurts.

Why does my whole body hurt?

I can't remember anything. All I know is I checked in a hotel and get drunk in a bar when I found out about the affair of my fiancé and bestfriend, I mean ex-fiancé and ex-bestfriend. Then I went at my hotel room and fell asleep.

I wondered if anything else had happened but I really don't remember anything.

'Nothing will happen if I will just think of what had happened. I better feshen up and  decide on what I will do next.'

I slowly get up and I was surprised when I removed the blanket over my body. I am naked and my body is covered with...


And suddenly I remembered what had happened.

I was already in bed and was going to sleep when I felt someone hugged me. And before I can protest and know who he is, he already claimed my lips. And then the next moment, we pleasure each other.

I can't say that he forced me because I just let him do everythinh he wants and I didn't protest. And honestly, I don't know why I let him. While Sherwin had been asking me for a long time to do 'that' but I never agreed.

'But I willingly gave my virginity to a stranger.'

I looked to my side and regretted seeing he was gone.

I didn't even had the chance to know his name. But at least I remember his face, his thick red lips, his eyebrows that seemed to meet when his forehead wrinkled a little, and his gray eyes.'

I slowly get up and went to the shower room and take a bath. When I finished taking a bath I first wore a bathrobe. And I stiffened when I realized that I don't have any clothes to change into.

'I'll just call one of my friends. I have no other choice, they were the only one who can help me right now.'

I went out of the shower room, and I was shocked and confuse when I saw a pink dress, pink strappy sandals and of course, undergarments. Left with no choice, I wear those even if I didn't know where it came from.

After I get dressed, I went out of yhe bedroom. And I was shocked when I found out that there's someone at the living room. It's the man with gray eyes, the man I slept with, the man I've given my virginity to.

"I have a lot of explaining to do. But first, have a meal first." he said in a cold baritone voice while looking at my eyes.

Thanks for waiting.... Sorry if it took so long before I uploaded this... Feel free to criticize, comment and react.... Sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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