⚠️Slenderman Lemon⚠️

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[No Ones POV]

Slenderman kissed [Y/n] in the lips and licked her buttom lip, asking for an entrance. [Y/n] slowly opened her mouth and Slendy immediately enter is long tounge into [Y/n]'s wet cavern.

Their tounges fought for dominance and Slendy win being the alpha on this situation. Slendy break the kiss and move to [Y/n]'s neck. [Y/n] moan in pleasure when Slendy lick, bite and suck her skin leaving bite marks on her neck.

Slendy then ripped [Y/n]'s dress leaving her in her bra and panties only. Slendy smirked and took [Y/n]'s bra and panties too leaving her naked.

Slendy admire her body for a moment before taking off his clothes too. Slendy suck [Y/n]'s nipple while he massage the other one. "A-ahh~!...." [Y/n] moaned out while gripping Slendys shoulder.

Slendy move to the other one doing the same thing he did. When we was satisfied he looked at [Y/n] who was breathing heavily.

"Are you ready my love?" Slendy ask "Y-yes..." [Y/n] said as Slendy slowly enter [Y/n]'s womanhood as [Y/n] moan in pain and pleasure. When the whole thing was inside Slendy didn't move yet he let [Y/n] adjust to his size and [Y/n] nodded her head.

Slendy slowly move his hips and [Y/n] whimper and moan. "S-slendy...ahh~..... It-it hurts..." [Y/n] moaned "D-dont worry...the pa-in will go away s-soon" Slendy groan as he started to move faster and faster.

[Y/n]'s moans became louder and louder in every thrust that Slendy make. "S-slendy...i'm c-close!" [Y/n] moan "M-me too..." Slendy said. And a few more thrust they both came and Slendy layed down beside [Y/n] who was panting.

"That was fun, isn't it love?" Slendy ask "No its not when your not the top" [Y/n] said as Slendy chuckled, and they cuddled each other to sleep.


"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" Jeff screamed while having a nosebleed and so was the other pastas "Did they just have s3x without warning us?!?!" Nina asked wiping her bloody nose.

"I wish to unhear" Masky prayed while Toby was passed out on the floor. "You guys are so dramatic" Clockwork said.


[A/n: Sorry if its short its my ever first lemon okay?! And maybe the other three will be short too. I'm sorry!!! But i hoped you like it. I was cringe-ing while making this. I apologized if its bad]

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