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Riddhima, Vansh and Angre were sitting in the waiting hall with their boarding passes.

"Ughh that's why I travel in my privates..." Vansh exclaimed getting bored.

"Mr. Angre and Mrs. Riddhima Rai Singhania. Come with us please."

Three policemen in heavy uniform were standing infront of the trio. Staring as if they have done a crime.

"Can I know the reason?" Vansh asked.
"They are suspected to carry drugs. We need to check their luggage." One of them said.

"You also need to come with us. Because you are too, in our suspection." Another policeman said.

"But Vansh ... " Riddhima had nothing to say. A lady officer came and holds Riddhima's hand, pulling her away.

"Officer stop this. Just to ruin my name you can't hurt my family. VR's wrath is way bad for you." Vansh said.

Angre was too pulled away with the police and Vansh had to co-operate to get them free.

Vansh's POV

The hell they are going to do anything to them. Damn why didn't I wait for my private jet. We would have been off earlier. No one leaves a chance for this. I need to ensure Riddhima is safe. How the hell did they got so much dare to do this!
I saw the policeman talking to someone addressing 'sir' and asking him what to do. What the... He doesn't know what he does with drug suspects!?
I kept my face calm but my mind is running here and there in stress.
The call declined, but the policeman forgot to lock the screen, I saw whom he was talking to.


That idiot followed us here too. He will surely hurt Riddhima. I have to do something. Of course, I am just a suspect and I have my phone. They didn't even tell me the rights. Idiots, don't even know there own work. I called someone who can help me in this. Vyom. My not-so best friend. Gosh... I don't want to.
Pov ends

Vansh was on call peeking inside the room and he saw Riddhima sitting on the bench with her one hand handcuffed to the supporters.

Riddhima's POV

What is happening all around me. I got to know I had a miscarriage. Then I insisted to go back. Now we are suspected for carrying drugs!?
They handcuffed me before only seeing my medicines. I peeped out and saw Vansh calling someone. He always has that two lines of stress in his forehead because of me. Angre is sitting infront of me not-so-calmly seeing the handcuffs in my hand. I closed my eyes... I wanted to be relaxed just for a while. I always see that. I was on a road... I fell down in water, I could see water... All over. I feel pain in my body all these things. I kept my eyes closed to watch over. I was still in their. Small bubbles of my breath were releasing out. My stomach pains like hell seeing this. Someone took me out... I can see his face. Looks handsome but villain type. I can see blood. Blood!!!
Pov ends

Riddhima opens her eyes breathing heavily. She rubbed her chest by one hand trying to catch breath. Vansh rushed to her and rubbed her from back as she bent down. Vansh snatched her medicine from the policeman and gave it to Riddhima to have it. She took the medicine and her breath got normal. She was holding Vansh's hand tightly. Vansh made her rest her head on his shoulder and she soon drifted to sleep in a sitting position only.

It has been 3hrs, their flight was missed. And they were just sitting blankly. No action was taken, no checking had happened, they didn't even ask a single question. Riddhima was still sleeping while Vansh was talking to Angre telling he had called Vyom.

"What the hell is happening!?"

The voice shook Riddhima and she woke up with a jerk.

"Don't worry Riddhima. We are going from here soon." Vansh said to her while Riddhima was busy ribbing her cutely.

"Vansh it's hurting.." She pointed towards her handcuff which had made her hand red.

"Don't worry it will be off soon." A man entered, walking with slow and steady steps. Riddhima squeezed her eyes looking at him. She looked at Vansh eyeing to tell who he was.

"Riddhima, this is my best friend Vyom and (to Vyom) this is my wife Riddhima." Said Vansh.

Riddhima smiled at him and he smiled back taking a seat next to Angre. He was so calm and relaxed doing nothing.

"I have called you for some work. Kuchh toh kar le!" Said Vansh
(Do something)

"Ho gya" Vyom eyed at the door and one of the lady officers came and unbuckled the handcuff.
Riddhima winced in pain and rubbed her wrist which had a proper circle mark made of it.
Vansh holds Riddhima's hand and they come out of the office and get boarded in a private jet.
There was an utter silence and Vansh was rubbing ice on the mark in Riddhima's hand.

"Vansh enough this is very cold." Riddhima took her hand back.

"You need to rest." Vansh kept her head on his shoulder and she held his arm with both of her hands, she was sleepy but actually didn't want to sleep.

"Who did this Vyom?" Vansh asked to Vyom who was busy sipping his wine.

"Hmm" He kept his wine in the table and turned to Vansh and Riddhima.

"They were bribed and by a police officer. His name is Ka...."

"Ok got it. Angre. Find that coward ASAP." Vansh didn't let Vyom complete. Vyom shrugged his shoulders sipping wine again.

"Kitni piyega bas kar." Vansh said to Vyom who was continuously drinking wine. (How much will you drink stop now)

"Mujhse peene ke competition mai jeetne waale ne kaha esa? Lagta mere kaan kharab hai." Vyom said falling asleep.

(The person who won from me in drinking said that? I think there is problem in my ears.)

"Boss yeh kitna peeta hai." Angre blurted being irritated.
(Boss how much he drinks)

"He has helped us. Can't stop right now. (Looking at Riddhima) let us reach home first." Vansh said keeping Riddhima more close to hima dn Angre turned to other side.

"Feels like I have seen him somewhere." Riddhima murmured under breath and hugged Vansh who was asleep.

Precap- Riddhima and Vyom's old connection

Hii everyone! Sorry for being late. My schools are starting soon... So I am completing my copies 🙂🔫. I have written next episode abhi only. So don't worry I will not be late now.😊
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Tanvi 💫

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