Body's switch up

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Miney : Morning Shiny.
Shiny : *yawns* Morning how are you?
Miney : Yeah I am just fine. So let's wake up others.
Shiny : Okay.
With Ash and Serena
Ash : *opens his eyes* I am awake without Shiny and Miney's-....HUUUHHHHHH
Serena : Ouch. Ash what are you doing, don't shout in my ears. *opens her eyes*....😳
Ash : Someone tell me why are we both naked?
Serena : You remember yesterday, you were undense and I was pervert?
Ash : *gulped* Yeah. So we didn't do that did we?
Serena : *kissed him* Yeah and it was great.
Ash : *kissed her again*
Shiny : Ahem Ahem everyone meet me in the main room after 10 min...also Ash and Serena please put on some clothes.
Ash and Serena : What a moment spoiler.

After 10 min
Ash : So what's up today?
Miney : Nothing much our old schedule only of course.
Dawn : Well....
Shiny : So here is the last dare from our last envelope. And it says that Ash and Serena has to switch bodies for 2 chapters.
Everyone except amour : *laughs hard*
Gary : *laughs* This is gonna be interesting.
Miney : But we will do this at the almost end of the chapter.
May : Why!?!
Shiny : Well just we think we should do this.

*ting tong*

Miney : Yay!! Here comes. *reaches there* So it says.

Everyone : WHATT THE HELLLLLMiney : *laughs hard* 🤣Shiny : *also laughs hard* Now

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Miney : *laughs hard* 🤣
Shiny : *also laughs hard* Now....let's get the.....macaroons fast....*falls while laughing*
Miney : Here *claps*
Shiny : Oaky guys, eat up fast.
Everyone : Fine. *eats it*
Serena : Well only mine and Ash's bodies are switched.
Ash : Yeah why is that?
Miney : Well we both get and idea that if you will switch the bodies, you are gonna wearing each others clothes only isn't it?
Dawn : How smart. So how do I look in Paul's clothes.
May : Guys, guys look at Drew, Paul and Gary *laughs* 🤣
Miney : 🤣
Shiny : 🤣
Serena : 🤣
Paul : Hmph whatever *said while blushing*
Bonnie : *falls while laughing* You are looking great Max.
Clemont : Yeah please don't laugh on us.....wait a minute Bonnie and Max you are wearing each others clothes.
Both : Yeah so?
Clemont : That means you have a crush on each others *squeals in excitement*
Bonnie : ......(Shit)
Max : .....(Oh man)
Shiny : (That great that me and Miney didn't wear clothes)
Serena : You know Ash I am very uncomfortable because of you dick.
Everyone except Ash : *LAUGHS*
Ash : Serena you can ask me that in private you know *he whispered*
Serena : Oops sorry.
Ash : And what's this heavy thing on my..sorry your chest?
Serena : ASHHH!!!!
Dawn : They are her boobs Ashy-boy.
Ash : Now what's that?
Everyone : *falls back* WILL YOU CHANGE??!!??
Ash : I am already changed. Can't you see that I am not in my own body?
Miney : Well it's okay guys. You know. Now you have to stay like this for 2 chapters.
Shiny : Well....whatever *leaves*
Miney : Bye!

With Ash and Serena
Ash : Serena I am not feeling comfy.
Serena : I should say that you know.
Ash : *blushes* Okay alright now let's sleep.
Serena : Yeah.....hey Ash you can sleep on me today.
Ash : Means?
Serena : You are in my body right, and I always sleeps on you.
Ash : Okay *puts his head on Serena's chest (in his body)* Wow this feels so good.
Serena : I know.

Oh come on I want dares and truths!!!!! I am not having any.....:(

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