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-Queen AU: They're currently teens, GenZ and all. The band is starting out, following how Bohemian Rhapsody if told but now ver.-
Title: 'Angels are Shy'

"She's Y/N, she's got a great voice. Doesn't she?" The girl working behind the bar points over as the peculiar scene in the whole pub continues on, the four boys seeing this for the first time after half a month of performing in the pub. "I do agree. She's got that tone..." Farrokh points over, drink on hand and pointing towards the girl standing still by the karaoke section. "She's got a voice that can blend in anywhere, is that what-" "That! That. Good job Bri, appreciate the effort." The man nods onto the taller man beside him after cutting him off, Brian only brushed the man off getting used to it and finally ordered a drink. "I do say, she's a bit flat on the back..." Roger points out as John punches his shoulder out of the laugh he got, the bassist shaking his head in disagreement. "She's okay, Rog. She looks talented and kind, I think that's enough for a posh looking lady to rule over everything." He ushers while keeping the environment playful still, he was sensing that the girl by the opposite side of the bar who was making Brian's drink was someone close to the girl singing. "She's good on her game, not to mention a natural! She naturally catches attention once you look at her, you'll want to discover and want to know her more but still she prefers to be unknown..." Farrokh points out once again, thinking to himself before sipping his glass clean. "Woah, to be or not to be! Mr. Shakespeare is on the house, right now... Dear God, lad!" Roger sighs clearly half drunk, face already turning pink and firing up. "I think he'll have water, please?" The youngest bassist asks the girl front he other end of the bar, she nods and offers the blonde man his water. Brian was thinking though, Farrokh noticed.

"Bri, Brian, Brian? You got some ideas there, smart space man?" The guitarist if their group suddenly looks up in shock, he nods and smiles. His short but slightly curly hair bouncing to make Farrokh laugh to himself, "I just thought that she'll be a good asset to both parties, her career and ours... Like, her backing vocals will be good compared to Roger's always high pitched voice." John nods in agreement as he sips on his booze, Farrokh on the other hand was looking at Roger to tell him not to throw a tantrum at the small pub they always do their gigs on. The young drummer weirdly copies Brian speaking, settling in to push the girl in his lap away annoyed. The girl was looking from the other members wanting to have someone to tell the drummer off but alas, they were too used to the man picking and dropping girls off him. The girl walks away pissed, heels clicking that echoes behind the unknown gal's voice in the speakers. "Care to tell me your and her name, dear?" Brian asks looking over to your friend by the other end of the bar serving a customer, she looks over eyes big in amusement. She laughs and explained that she has a boyfriend, "Anyways, I'm Lia and this girl is Y/N." She nods over to the girl singing, leaning forward at the counter teasing Brian on his failure to flirt. "Thank you, love! That's all we needed to know." Farrokh thanks the girl as she nods in welcome, she and Brian talking over things after the failed attempt. With John basically looking over the now crying laughing Roger, he's doing that for some reason...

Farrokh was unmonitored and walked over to the girl who just finished her song, claps roaring around him but whispers soon follow. "Oh shit, sir! Sir!" Lia calls over the singer who was confidently striding over the girl, she quickly explains how the girl is completely shy in all terms unless she knows you well to Brian. The man quickly walks over to their singer in distress, he'd have encountered shy people once or twice and he knows the extent of some and how it can sometimes be ridiculous. "Hello, I'm Farrokh! I was meaning to ask if you want to talk over your singing? I really do love it, we're on a band you see..." The man continues on smiling confidently which really turned the girl off more on how bright the man is shining, she shrunk after looking over him. A man was behind him, small curls accompany his tall and slim figure. "Farrokh. I think she doesn't want to, I'm so sorry-" "No, Bri. I have to hear it from her! So what'd ya say, love?" It was too unusual for her, she kept on her position of looking over them and onto Lia by the bar. She holds her mic close to her chest, heart beating fast with her blushing face.

"Oh, dear! Did I approach you too out there?" The singer asks as the girl looks around the room hearing whispers, her legs feeling like noodle and yet her whole body stood like dry concrete. Brian was now telling John to take care of Roger while he handles Farrokh, Lia excusing herself from the other customers by the long bar to calm down her friend. "Why don't we go to the bar there? My friends are there, we met Lia- she told us you're a great person." Farrokh attempts to interact once again, with a much calmer and leading voice. Slowly reaching out his hand for her to come forth, she slowly nods and got the mic down by the karaoke screen. The others clapping in as she looks down walking towards the bar, Farrokh was holding his head high and happy on the way as the girl slowly but shyly holds onto the end of his sleeves. "Don't worry, love! The lads don't bite, other than Roger that is- he bites when he can but he's a good portrayal of drummer Goldy Locks!" He approached her more with holding her shoulders onto him for security, she's really the opposite of confident- he thinks to himself. She giggles to herself, she shakes off the grip and goes to a seat near John and whispers a drink to her friend. Farrokh was surprised on how the girl could switch oh so sudden, who is he to judge anyways- he was just happy that she at least has the will. Farrokh sat back to his seat between Roger and Brian, he sips on the booze he had left earlier. Brian and Lia was eyeing the girl and Farrokh, they found it weird despite not knowing the other one separately.

"So, Y/N... We as a band decided to talk you over to join, even as backing vocals if you want to that is." Brian points over, finishing his drink. The girl looks over and looks back to her drink, sighs and furrows her brows in overthinking. "We'll give you anything that will get you better at singing, we can also hangout... We find you intriguing and exciting, Y/N. We do, love!" Farrokh points at in happiness as Roger groans, complaining that the man was too loud for the girl. "You can think about it, Y/N. No pressure, take your time... We'll be here waiting for your answer." John approached gently patting over the coughing blonde. She looks over at them and then to her friend, Lia smiles and shrugs telling her that she has no say on what she wants. "I'm drunk and I want some doves... I like your voice, I think it's greater than Far's... If you consider it, I might teach you how to drink greater alcohol." The man stops coughing and lazily looks over her glass, nodding from it to her. "I... Maybe- Uh... I guess, I'll give it a try?" Y/n gently asks as Brian cheered off his empty glass, Farrokh was questioning what Roger meant. "Not to be rude, love. Roger, what the bloody hell did you mean? Am I that ugly sounding?!" He puts a hand over his chest dramatically, cheeks flushed and sipping his booze. "Fuck you Far, you know what I meant. Don't make me puke..." He points out resting on the counter, pushing the left over alcohol to the girl beside him. John was looking over the drummer to smile to her, she smiles back in thanks. "That means you should try his drink, he's just drunk to say... Sorry for that, love." The girl's eyes shine big in delight, even the drunk member was going along with her. She was grateful and thanked Roger in a whisper, drinks the rest of his drink as it burns her throat.

"That is one extreme booze, dear lord." She gasps after the burn, shaking her head lightly. Roger started to giggle looking into his crossed hands in the counter, peeking to see the girl shrinking from the drink. "Roger, why did you give her that!" Brian argues, taking the glass from the girl with a smile and hands them over to Lia. Far was too into drinking as just shut them out of his space, "You're some interesting angel, love. Do keep that up for me..." He points out smiling from his glass onto her. Y/N smiles back shyly in thanks, feeling the hard drink slowly enter her to corrupt. The others arguing on what Roger did as the drummer snoozed off to rest. "This is a great balance, if I say so." Lia ends, telling Y/N before going on to the drink to clean the glasses given to her.

A short and late upload, thank you for 1k! I hope y'all enjoy this one, I had to do school and art stuff so I was fairly busy- yes, now posting my art on insta. I'm happy with that but stressed on class, feels like I've learned nothing and everything at the same time. Anyways, have a great day! Stay safe!
Don't y'all just love how in almost every picture, John looks so sassy?

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