Where It All Began -Pt 1

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You woke up at 7 am to get ready to meet izuku and head off to your first day at UA high. You showered got dressed and ate you breakfast then met up with izuku where you just so happened to run into bakugou
" what are you damn extras doing"

You rolled your eyes before replying to his stupid question " we are heading to UA kacchan what about you? Oh wait! You got into UA too I forgot! Ate you scared that we are going to do better than you huh? Awww poor kacchan" you teased from the look on his face you could tell he didn't like that it looked like he himself was about to explode not his quirk

He yelled

"Kacchan please calm down you don't wanna draw too much attention or trigger y/n to do anything they might regret" (used they incase you don't use she/her pronouns)  izuku fearfully explained

"shut up deku"
"leave him alone Katsuki"
You guys argued back and forth for what felt like ages until you turned around and pulled izuku by his blazer sleeve and left Bakugo there still yelling like a mad man

You both got to the train station and to your luck you just made the train and some how so did Bakugo but you left it as an unsolved mystery as you could not be bothered to deal with his stupidity and wanted to talk to izuku not the annoying pomeranian

When you got to UA you and izuku went to find your classrooms but you were both in the same class and you both hopped that bakugou was in a different class but he was in your class as well, when you finally reached you class izuku was talking to a brown haired girl and a boy with dark blue hair, you wanted to stay and try to get to know them but that thought left your head when you saw kirishima sat in the class and you excitedly ran to him to congratulate him on getting into UA.

" Kirishima congrats on getting into UA! I knew you could do it" you said excited and happy to see the spikey red haired boy

"Hey y/n! Thanks so much and congrats to you too!"he replied

" Have you seen any of the gang here or is it just us? " you asked

" Oh! I think kaminari is here but idk about sero and mina"

"Heyyyyyyy guys!! By the way mina and sero are here, how do I know? I walked with them haha!" the human pikachu scared you both but you still said hi and spoke for a while until a very low and sort of scary voice said "are you done?"

The whole class grew silent as they all turned to look at the door to see a homeless looking man laying outside the classroom door in a yellow sleeping bag "it took you 8 seconds to shut up and that won't work if you want to become pro hero's"

You all questioned who this man was and how he got into UA

"I am shota aizawa your teacher"


That's the end of this chapter sorry its so weird in not good at this hehe

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