Chapter 1: Meeting Kristy.

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Zamasu was standing on the on the part of the cliff side trying to enjoy the fresh air.

Zamasu POV: (Mind): After I managed to ignored that pathetic mortal, I can finally have some peace.

Suddenly, he's hears a angry voice.

Kristy: Hey, Spilt-Pea soup skin!😡


Kristy: Well, you should be ashamed of yourself! Ignoring my friend Alex like that!😡

Zamasu: That's my problem, how?..😑😑

Suddenly, Kristy shoves Zamasu out of anger.

Kristy: Your such an narcissist asshole, you can't just judge people before you get to know them!😡

Zamasu: Are you begging for a fight you filthy Saiyan!?😡😡

Kristy: Well, if I have to beat you up in order to apologize, then so be it!😠😠

*After the fight with Zamasu and Goku Black*

Zamasu: Grrr...😡

Kristy: Now, will you apologize to my Friend Alex?..😡😡

Zamasu: NO!😠

*Kristy grab Zamasu's shirt tightly*

Kristy: Unless you want another beating, I suggest you apologize to my friend this instant!😡😡

Zamasu: *Angrily sighs* Alright Alright, I'll apologize!😤😤

*4 hours later, after Zamasu apologized to Alex*

Zamasu was about to go back to the cliff where he stood when suddenly*

Kristy: Zamasu!😅

Zamasu: What do you want now??..😑😑

Kristy: Do you want to be my teacher?..🙂

Zamasu: Why do you want me to be a teacher???😐😐😐

Kristy: I just want to make it up to you..😶😶

Zamasu: *Sighs* Fine... But, don't come bugging me while I'm busy!😡

Kristy: Ok?..😓

*Therefore, they start their training and development of their friendship*

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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