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It's too much of a risk too go. Of course I wasn't going to, but who knows the consequences if I don't?What if Victoria wasn't the only one there? What if my father was there?

I can't risk that.

Not yet.

"Everything okay Lilah?" Tess shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah...everything's fine"

I stared at the text for what felt like hours. "Lilah your pancakes are getting cold" I didn't feel like eating. All I wanted to do was figure this shit out.

Tessa stormed into the living room and looked at me. "You okay?" She asked. I immediately changed my mood and shook off my thoughts.

"I told you I'm fine" I gave her a reassuring smile and tried to walk past her. She grabbed my arm and made me face her. "Delilah you know I know you better than that" she tilted her head and gave me a serious look.

"C'mon let's talk in the kitchen" I rolled my eyes and let her drag me towards the table. I sat down on a barstool and sighed. Tessa sat across from me and grabbed my hands.

"You know you can talk to me right?" she almost whispered. "I know"

I sighed and realized she wasn't going to let this go until I told her. "It's about Venessa" her eyes immediately widened as she brought her hands away from mine.

"She needs my help so wants me to meet her in France" I explained. "But you haven't heard from her in years" Tess furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me in shock.

"I know" I but my lip nervously, wondering if I should tell Vince or not. "Are you going to go?" She asked.

"Hell no. I still don't trust her"

"But you're going to tell Vince just in case right?"

"Just in case what?" I asked.

"Just in case you don't go and she tries to attack" she explained, "Delilah what if she's with your father and they're planning something"

I bit down on my lip in attempt to distract myself from the thoughts that were circling my mind. "Probably not" I shook my head and started to get up.

"Delilah you should tell him before he finds out himself" she raised her eyebrows and let me leave. As I made my way upstairs I shook off the confusion and realized that I forgot my phone downstairs.

I walked back down and went to the living room to grab it but the only problem was that it wasn't there. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around hoping to find it but there was and luck.

"Tessa!" I shouted. As I stormed into the kitchen. She jumped from my sudden appearance. "You scared the living hell out of me"

"Where is my phone?" I asked. "It's right here" she smiled and tossed the phone to me. "Oh.. why did you have it?"

"Because I-" she was cut off by the front door swinging open. Vince walked in and immediately took my breath away. He was wearing his usual suit but his tie was loose and his black hair was a mess probably from running his hands through it so damn much.

Holy shit.

It was very clear that he was angry and the anger in his eyes immediately left when his gaze fell on me. But for some reason when I looked into his eyes I saw...fear?

For the first time in the 9 years that I've been with Vincent I've never seen him afraid of anything.


I looked at him in confusion at first but I tore my gaze away when Tess grabbed my elbow and let me to her room. "Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"Because Delilah I've seen that look on his face before" her voice showed every sign of seriousness as she spoke.

"He's worried about you for some reason"

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