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11:12 PM

why does everyone expect so high from me?

i'm trying my hardest to please all of you, yet i can't even manage to make the lines on your lips curve up.

smiling's hard, i know that myself, but you just stared at the sweat that dropped on the wooden floor when i attempted to dance my heart out.

not even a single clap was given by your delicate fingers. a fly landing on a piece of paper will be heard if i didn't excessively heave for the non-existent air that surrounded the both of us.

if only i can pull your eyes out of your eye socket so no one can look at me as disgrace lingered through the stare you directed towards the flappy skin beneath my arms, or the loose fat hanging under my shirt.

mother told me the double layers under my chin were a charm no one else can portray as "cute or adorable" but why do your eyes always yell disagreement?

why does a single look from the ball under your eyelids make me so insecure?

just shrug it off, my body says, dance and prove to him you can do it.

he wants you to be perfect, my mind counters, or do you want to lose him too?

"jimin," his stern voice echoed through the room.

my lips hesitated to move as it shook, on their own, under my damped hoodie.

"your solo stage performance is in a month. don't disappoint me, son."

MIND OVER BODY                                                  ━━━━━━━p.jiminWhere stories live. Discover now