Lazy Days

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She had been an orphan for a fortnight. She had tried her hardest but it was getting harder and harder. In under a month she had lost her best friend, her mother, her father, her older sister, and brother's and was on the run from the orcs one if which nicknamed "The Blood God". He was born an ordinary orc born to a family, well, as normal as you can get in a family of orcs who roasted there own kind over huge fires and ate them like popcorn, shoving handfuls in their great warty mouths at a time.

Many claimed The Blood God had the blood of a wild boar running through his veins; that was the only way he could be that fast. Luckily, even though he was fast, she was flexible and agile. While he was stuck on the ground she was running through the trees.

After all, she may have been the youngest out of all 7 of her siblings but she was, by far, the deadliest and most flexible. She could shoot a knife at you from a bow while bent over backwards in a tree. Some say she never misses

(A/N from the cooler author, sorry Gray. (Ouch) She had had some spare time in the forest recently please don't ask I'm purely the author I'm just here to share her story. )

Today had been one of her lazy days as she liked too call them. She had woken up much later then usual based off of the sun's position in the sky. She had let out a sigh of happiness and let the sunlight run over her painful body. She had spent the last day running from her enemy, the one who had started her suffering, the one who made her an orphan alone. The cruel, dark world had turned its back on her.

She slowly stretched and fell out the tree. She swore quietly under her breath as she jumped up and grabbed her bag. It was one her mum had just finished working on. It was made out of neatly sown together rags and it had four letters embraded on it...


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