- Chapter One

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"Good morning, Sakura! Good morning, Temari!"

The loud blonde would greet the two girl's as they were eating their breakfast in the cafeteria. Despite it being so early, the blonde seemed to beam with energy. While the two girl's seemed to barely keep their heads up.

"Morning, Naruto." Both would lazily greet.

"C'mon! Why so unmotivated?! Spring break is only two days away!"

"That's two days from now," Sakura yawns, "It'll sure be a well deserved break. The teacher's have been working our asses off with exams."

"You got that right," Temari groans, "I've barely had the time to study for Mr. Kakashi's test, because of Mr. Iruka's six page study guide."

"Pfft! It'll be easy!"

Naruto was so sure. He had prepared himself after all. Though, Naruto did have a difficult time understanding things, he wasn't completely stupid. Plus, the tutoring from Mr. Iruka seemed to help him.

"Easy for you to say, I-"

"-Temari! I've been looking for you!"

The three friend's were interrupted by a loud voice behind them, which of course, belonged to no other than Kankuro; Temari's younger brother. Running so quickly, Temari was sure her little brother had won some sort of huge lottery.

"Kankuro? Could you not be so loud in the morning? Now people are looking." The embarrassed sibling would groan.

"Ah, never mind that. I have news! Remember how I entered that contest? The one that, whoever created the best puppet, would win a cruise?"


Kankuro smirks proudly, pointing his thumb towards his own chest, "I won, Mr. Sasori chose me, he said I created the best puppet in the class."

"Woah! That's pretty cool, y'know!" Naruto chimes in.

"You won a cruise? You are so lucky!" Sakura sighs.

Temari was surprised to hear this, but she knew how hard Kankuro had been working to create the best puppet he could. Of course, the news sent a huge smile on her face, though she was a little jealous Kankuro had won a cruise, "You won? Wow, I. . . I'm proud of you, Kankuro! I knew you could do it!"

"Heh, thanks, sis. Since you've been working so hard yourself with your exams, I want you to go with me. I have two tickets. One for me, and one for you."

"What- you- you want me to go with you?"

"You can't say no. We're leaving Saturday." Kankuro states.

"What about Gaara? Who will take care of him while we're gone?"

Temari gives Kankuro a disapproving look, knowing Kankuro hadn't thought that over at all. Of course— the blonde female was correct, Kankuro hadn't even thought of anyone who could watch over Gaara while the two were on a cruise for a week.

"How about pinkie here?" Kankuro points to Sakura, who snorts at the remark.

"Please, I'm going on a trip with family. Try someone else."

Kankuro looks at Naruto, who is simply chugging on his milk, and soon returns the gaze to Kankuro. The blonde had been spacing out during this conversation. Sure, he heard Kankuro won a cruise, but then his mind went to ramen after that.

"Huh? Why're you looking at me like that?"

Then, Temari looks at Naruto.

"Naruto-" Temari starts,

"-We need you to watch over Gaara while we're away." Kankuro finishes.

"Gaara? Who's Gaara? Is he a dog? I mean, I guess I can stop by every evening to walk and feed him."

Kankuro shakes his head, "No, you idiot. Gaara is our little brother."

"What?! You mean, you guys have another sibling, and never told me?"

"I guess he just never popped into the conversation."

"No way! I can't take care of a, what is he? A four year old?"

Temari shakes her head, "No, Naruto. He's sixteen. You haven't met him because, well, he doesn't go to public school. He does his school online at home."

Naruto raises an eyebrow, curious and confused, "Huh? Why?"

"It's just-"

"-He's a little shy. We thought he did best at home schooling," Kankuro butts in, "What do you say, Naruto? I'll give you fifty bucks."

Naruto shakes his head— not wanting to spend his spring break babysitting some sixteen year old. He would much rather do other things. Practice for the wrestling team, lay in bed eating ramen, cause some mischief— normal Naruto things.

"Oh, Naruto. Not even for free ramen, fifty bucks, and that new comic book?" Temari is now trying to bribe the blonde. She knows Naruto is probably their best, and near only, choice.

"How did you know I wanted that new comic?"

"It was all you talked about last week. So, what do you say? Will you come over Saturday, and spend the week with Gaara?"

Naruto gives them a grumpy look, humming as he thinks. Temari is pleading at Naruto with her eyes, while Kankuro is giving Naruto puppy eyes and a pout.

"Fine! I'll do it!" Naruto sighs, "But only because he's already sixteen, and I don't have to change any diapers."

Temari gives a large, closed eye smile, "Thank you, Naruto! Don't worry, Gaara will be no trouble at all."

"That's right, no trouble at all." Kankuro pats Naruto on the back, while the blonde lets out a groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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