Day 4

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Hakuryuu had always had a knack for cooking, his sister had taught him everything about the subject, however he still considered himself pretty average at it. He wasn't good but he wasn't bad either. 

Today was his cooking practical, the entry examination to test the students abilities and Hakuryuu's nerves definitly got the better of him.

They had to make a  marianated salmon dish, Hakuryuu's had been going smoothy until he dropped his half-completed dish on the floor, at first trying to hide it from the other students and teacher but failing.  The stress had built up and Hakuryuu started crying, he had failed this, he was a failure at everything, he couldn't even do this one thing right!

'Hey it's ok, you can always try again," a student patted his back and he wiped away his tears.

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