I'm Just A Fox With Complex.

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I'm Just A Fox : chapter 1
The Start of an adventure.

Friday morning, 9 am.
Again, im sitting here. In a Bar.
Drinking the same Whiskey every week, but.. Its always getting better in Taste some how, the fine Taste of Whiskey in the morning is Nothing better in the World.
"hmm.." comes out of my mouth. I again watch out of the massive Window, every one is going some where. Someone is fast, someone is slow. Every one has his own life, own Plans, own thoughts. I took a last sip of the Whiskey, getting ready to go outside.

Sudendly a soul troumbles into the Bar. Its an tall, elegant creature full of mystery. It's giving an non explainable aura of It's body. It feels like that this Person is from an other Planet,an other universe. The creature sits next to me at the Bar, requesting for an Vodka. Turns out Its a Tom, He hast an really elegant body with a thin Shirt on him, that is showing all of the muscles, even though he is very skinny. He has an big leather Belt around his waist that holds his elite soft pants made by an famous Company. My eyes go more down, He has expensive shoes on his massive feet. Such an wierd body. But some how It's hella attractive. My eyes go up to his face, He is an grey Tom with deep forest coloured eyes. It's like they made to hipnotise someone. In all of the thoughts im hearing that someone ist saying "something wrong?" it was the Tom,He had an deep voice. "Who are you?" i ask him with confusion "are you Drunk?" He asked. I slowley shook my head. "hm. Well, go find someone Else to talk with, im in a hurry." as He told that he left the Bar. I was Just able to see him walking away. That cat is a carnovore, Just like me, so why does He smell so.. Tasty?

I snook out of the Bar and made my way after that Snack. I manage to find his smell, He is 2 minutes away. I fast walk throuh all of the souls around me. At the end i manage to catch him up. He is walking into an buildig. He opens the door, and Walls in. I snook up after him, as quiet as possible. I see him walking in the loong coridor. I dont really remember what Happen but Its like i went crazy. My body moved by Its own and when i came back to my self. I see the Tom again on the floor. Getting choked by be. I pulled up my Hand as fast as i could, and then He jumped at me and crossed my Arms again the floor. His hands are massive, and so.. Strong. His scared and angry face looked into my soul. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!
I KNEW THAT YOU ARE DRUNK!"he screamed at me. I Was sweating, Was it because im scared? Exausted? Or turned on? I did Not knew. But it felt So good."you are so attractive" i said." ARE YOU EVE-" He stoped and looked conufsed as hell at me "w-what?" He slowley said. "you are so attractive" i repeated my self. He looked at me with the most disturbing face i've ever seen. He realesed me, and sprinted away. As i stood up, i noticed that his wallet Was on the floor. It must have felt out of his Pocket while He jumped on me. I took the Wallet
. I know that He will come an take it back. But where. "the place where we meet.." i said to my self. "next friday at the Bar"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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