Hanging Out

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Harry Potter
You walked with Neville as he talked about Herbology class and the different kind of plants and their many uses. "(Y/n)!" Harry yelled from behind you running up to you with a cheerful smile. "Hello Harry, what's up?" You asked smiling as Neville stood behind you. "Was just wondering, if you wanted to come and try out for Quidditch with me?" He asked as you smiled, "Sure! I'd love to." With that you and Harry said good bye to Neville and ran to try out for Quidditch.

Ron Weasley
"You reckon we'll need to learn about this for the exam?" You grumbled to a sleeping Ron Weasley. "Ron!" You shouted waking him up. He held his chest where his heart was as you laughed at his scared expression. "Blimey! What the hell!" He whispered back wiping the drool from his mouth. "We are here to study Ron, not to sleep." You retorted pointing at the book as he shrugged. "Whatever." he grumbled.

Neville Longbottom
"Hey Neville?" You asked holding up a plant, "what do you think this does?" You asked showing him as he examined it. "I believe it's poisonous." He said writing it down as you quickly let it go wiping your hand on your robe. "Bloody hell, surprising the things you can find at Hogwarts, right?" You laughed as he nodded smiling. "Yeah, reckon one of these days we'll find something worth millions." He smiled and you smiled back. "It's such a pretty day outside, isn't it?" You asked as he hummed in response.

George Weasley
You walked with Lee as he went on and on about the new nimbus and all it's wonderful new abilities. "You see it can go faster then the last one! George says he really wants it." He smirked nudging your shoulder. "You're mad if you think I'll buy a broom for George." You laughed, "Awe, but it's at the top of my christmas list, surely you can buy it." George said as he and his twin, Fred, stood next to you. "You're mad George Weasley. I can barely afford a broom for myself, mum and dad cut my allowance down to 200 a month!" You shouted, "Oh no, what is she going to do!" Mocked Fred as you shoved him playful earning a few laughs from Lee.

Fred Weasley
"What are you doing here all alone?" Fred asked siting besides you, "Just studying. If I want to work at the ministry I have to be top of the class." You grumbled writing down the notes. "You know you'll always have a place working at my future shop." Fred smiled, "Oh yeah, how's that going?" You asked smiling at him, "We have a few product ideas of course, we are now gathering the money for it." He said as you nodded, "Good luck Fred." You smiled as he winked and nudged your shoulder.

Draco Malfoy
"So, you use this, and then a little bit of this." He mumbled holding up potion ingredients and putting them onto the cauldron. You stared intensely writing down the instructions on paper, you hummed and nodded as he continued explaining. "It should turn this nasty green colour." He nodded showing you the cauldron, "That is very complicated." You groaned sitting down your quill as Draco laughed. "Not at all, it's very simple. Of course, simple for me I am 2nd place, would be first if it weren't for mudblood Granger." He grumbled as you scoffed. "Leave her alone Draco. Is it worth it at all?" You mumbled packing your stuff in your book bag. "It's a battle I have every day you see (L/n). I always wonder if the fight is worth it." He shook his head as he went on oversharing as he usually does after Potion tutoring.

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