Project Mentem (Part 2)

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~Gruncle Ford's pov~

I woke up ,my head resting on the desk in front of me.

Stan had gone back downstairs to finish watching tv and honestly I didn't blame him,this entire thing takes hours.

Long...grueling....painstaking hours.

The encrypting process is excruciatingly long...but once done there will be no demon nor creature that can penetrate the mind.

I looked up at the clock,one of my research papers clinging to my cheek.


8 hours since we switched on the machine.

I looked over at the monitor.

98% Completed.

Nearly there...

Stan should have listened to me from the beginning.

I told him that we should encrypted her thoughts as soon as she arrived in Gravity Falls, before Bill Cipher got his claws on her mind...but nooo Stan thinks that he is all so brilliant,that we should give the kid time to enjoy the wonders of Gravity Falls before we stuck her in a room ,bored ,while code from the device runs through her mind.

At least she won't have to go through the long and much more painful process of installing a metal plate into her head like me.

I sighed tapping the side of my head.


99% Completed.

I must admit though that I am glad that I appear completely normal,if you looked at me ,you wouldn't guess that I had metal in my head.

I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself.

There are downsides to it though...I've been hearing this ringing in my ear since I installed it,it did go away for a few years while I was in the portal...but coming back it started again...and around the time Y/n came to town the ringing has got a lot louder.

Maybe it's an old age thing, maybe it's conjunction with the metal plate in my head.

I don't know perhaps I should do further research-

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly the monitor burst to life "AHAHAHAHAAHAA!" came the voice of Bill Cipher through the screen.

Yes!!! We finally have picture!!!

Bill Cipher was sitting at a table.

Are those rose petals on the floor?

Then I saw the white powder on the floor.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it were bones scattered throughout the floor.

He is a sick,demented psychopath...but the rose petals did catch me off guard.

The rose petals appear normal,not sadistic at all.

I can finally see into Y/n's memories and see how Bill Cipher trapped her.

...or so I thought.

Bill Cipher suddenly was looking straight forward at me... through the monitor screen.

I didn't panic though...I am looking at Bill Cipher though the eyes of Y/n...surely.

...or so I thought.

He said one sentence with his same shrill ,maniacal voice "AHAHAHAHA...well...well...well we meet again then Fordy old pal...we must stop meeting like this" he said mockingly...

I was struck with panic as I grabbed both side of the monitor.

"You can see me?! How are you doing this?!"

" see...once again,you are asking the wrong questions...if you want to ask me in person AHAHAHA...just turn around",then the monitor clicked off and I was left with a blank ,black screen...and in the reflection of that blank, black screen was Y/n standing upright...looking downwards.

I felt sweat drip off from my brow,I gulped, my hands shaking,heart pounding.

"Y/n?" ,I asked while turning.

She looked up at me ,her eyes a bright neon yellow "AHAHAHAHAAHAHA WELL FORDY ,FORDY ,FORDY...WE BOTH KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME"Bill chuckled materializing a set of knives from thin air...surrounding me.

If he decides to send them all hurdling towards me...there's too many to be able to command and I'm done for.

I'll keep him talking...

I looked at the clock on the wall...the last percentage should be hitting soon.

Maybe that will drive him out.

I just have to keep him talking.

"How are you here? The shack is surrounded by an enchantment-"

Bill smirked "You should have been more careful who you let in ,rather than who you wanted to keep out.'"

Bill must have seen the confused expression on my face.

"Oh come on now Fordy..I thought you were supposed to be a genius"he toyed.

"What are you-"

The monitor behind me roared back to life.

I turned behind me to look.

100% Completed.

Suddenly Bill gasped...Y/n's body falling to her knees " happening....Noooo....AHAHA...LISTEN F-F-F FORDY AHAHAHA YOU'RE NEVER ALONE AND I WILL SEE YOU IN YOUR NIGHTMARES AHAHAHAHAAHAHAH-"

The monitor burst ,scattering glass shards everywhere but I shielded my eyes...the knives all dropped from mid-air ,falling to the ground with a clang.

Y/n lurched forward ,landing on her stomach.

She slowly stood up,I grabbed the nearest knife.

Y/n turned and looked around at the chaos around her.

"What the-" Y/n said ,in her normal voice.

She turned and I saw her normal e/c eyes,no longer yellow...and she saw me pointing the shiny sharp blade towards her as though I was going to stab her.

To be fair... I still might actually.

The encryption was completed...however, Bill still should never have ever been allowed access into this house with the enchantments in place.

I looked at Y/n and said with ragged breath,anxiety filling my lungs and veins, "What the hell are you?"


I know the updates a little late,sorry the computer problems are still persisting.

Hopefully all fixed now though.

See you in the next chapter

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