The end (play yt video while you read)

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Apollo was standing on a bridge he had finally broken. He was so tired of coming home to a drunk father it was just sad. His father used to hate drinking especially near Apollo. His mother well she was just abusive more then anything she also was but only mental when he was a child. After he turned 18 the abuse got physical she was always high or drunk. But that was normal for her he just stayed out of her way. Apollo looks down knowing it would be a slow fall he couldn't even cry anymore. The worst part of all his boyfriend of 3 years cheated that was his breaking point. He took a deep breath and look around enjoying the view one last time.

Lucas was walking down a dingy path. He was In love with nature almost as much as he was In love with a certain boy. Although the boy thinks he hates him because, they yell and fight all the time and are more or less enemy's... sadly Lucas was only mean to the other so he wouldn't figure out his true feelings. He walks off the path and onto the road and walks along the edge carful not to get run over. He looks up and sees a bridge ahead and hopes it has a good view because he wants to take a picture. He jogs and gets closer before he sees someone standing on the edge. At first his mind doesn't register the meaning and then it clicks. He also recognizes the boy he loves standing there. He runs over quietly so he doesn't startle him And walks up behind him. "Apollo?" He asked softly and grabs the others hand.

Apollo hears a voice behind him as someone grabs his hand making him turn to them. His hair hide his face since he stopped cutting his hair and just let it grow out. He almost immediately realized the voice" Lucas..What do you want I'm not in the mood." Apollo voice was very strained like he had raised his voice a lot. He looked down at Lucas's hand .

Lucas moves closer, "what's wrong why are you on the bridge?" He asked being way nicer than usual. "If it's because of your ex dont..." he says and cups the others cheek in his hand. "Listen I've.. I've been mean to you I know I have but... either way I knew you would hate me... because I'm in live with you and i have been... I just needed him to break your heart first" he whispers softly

Apollo was taken aback by Lucas being nice to him. He had also gave Apollo a problem or just rude but he had learned just to ignore him. He snapped out of it feeling Lucas's touch looking up at him and for one listening." You in love with me?" Apollo said he was shocked he never thought that Lucas liked him. He started to rethink his plan to jump.

"Yes I am. I have been for awhile I just knew you had a boyfriend... but I figured you would hate me if I told you I liked you-" he gets cut off

Apollo listened to him and when to move away from the edge but he trips and falls back.

He gasp and reaches out. His hands grabs the others arms and yanks him back. Everything was going in slow motion, he couldn't believe his eyes. He pulls the other to safety... but he started to lose his balance as well and his hands slip from the others arms. He falls over the edge and the wind rips at his clothes. Something deep inside him tells him it was worth it. Better then losing the person he loved. His arms fail to catch onto anything and he just closes his eye as the wind rips at his clothes at hair. He's falling and there's no saving him. They say the villain will sacrifice you to save themselves. But they never mentioned the villain would sacrifice the world to save you. Love is an arrogant lie that humans indulge in. That's why they will forever be mortal. It's why he's dying and the world will be Appollos. He always wanted to be a hero... what's better than dying for something you love?

My last gift was letting him know He loved him. The other always thought he hated him, but in truth he meant the world. He used to say that he was invulnerable... but Appollo was his venerability. The story was wrote for Lucas to be the villain. But he wasn't, he was a hero, the savior. Who's life might end for the sake of a story.

Apollo hits the ground and sees Lucas slip and fall as he quickly stands up. His heart was racing as he ran to the edge trying to grab Lucas's hand. He was about to jump after him as his friend sees and runs over and holds Apollo back. Apollo struggles trying to get out of his friends grip as he lets out an agonizing scream. He wanted to let Lucas that he also liked him he felt his whole world crashing down. Apollo began to cry repeating Lucas name falling to his knees. His friend held him close calling 911.

Lucas kept his eyes closed and feels the impact of the water. It's rock hard like concrete, he feels his bones shatter and his mind goes blank. He sinks into the water as his body goes still. His body sinks to the bottom of the lake and is like deadweight. His lungs fill with water and he doesn't move. The most heartbreaking moment is seeing someone you love lose their life, much less being helpless and not being able to help. One thing to remember is not everyone is as lucky to live a full life. Sirens are heard in the distance.

Collab with Signofthestyles16

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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